Tips on visiting George Town Street Art

22 Jul.,2024


Tips on visiting George Town Street Art

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The Umpteenth Post About Penang Street Art

I&#;ll keep this post short because many fellow bloggers have already written about Penang street art. However, every visitor will have a different experience. Few will see the works in the same order or interact with them in the same way. It&#;s also unlikely that one will see everything &#; even though there are paper and Google maps, these are not exhaustive. I have added a couple of them at the end of this post anyway.

For now, you can follow me and see the sights around George Town through my eyes. I learnt that it was more fun to capture the environs and not just the artwork alone.


Here are the maps that I promised. I found them by searching for &#;Penang street art Google map&#;, and I most certainly didn&#;t create them. This one is pretty comprehensive:

Even then it doesn&#;t cover everything. This one focuses on Zacharevic&#;s work, including those outside George Town:

Click or tap on the maps to expand and save them. I&#;m sure you&#;ll be satisfied no matter which route you take.

Wanna see more street art? Check out my funny travel photos

For more information, please visit Xiangtai Sculpture.