How To Detect Fake Bronze Statues Easily

26 Aug.,2024


How To Detect Fake Bronze Statues Easily

Bronze has been around since ancient times. Man has been manipulating this reddish-gold metal for various purposes. Sometimes to make utensils. Sometimes as weapons to slay enemies, and at times, to create sculptures as a form of art.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

Surely, bronze is made of elements that are abundant in nature. But sometimes people choose the unethical way by selling some other alloys i.e. Brass for bronze for the former&#;s cheap manufacturing process.

It is quite unfortunate that art enthusiasts are being tricked into buying fake bronze statues. And when they analyze the situation, it&#;s already too late. They have given the money and been humiliated for their naivety.

It&#;s not just in metal sculptures, history shows there have been numerous cases of fraudulence whenever there was art involved. That includes wall arts or paintings, and even now, people are getting deceived into buying fake modern arts.

Fraudsters adopt devious tricks to charm you into buying fake sculptures, sometimes they get the best of us. It&#;s truly a terrible thing to think and often make us think twice before purchasing our most desirous statues and figurines.

So how to detect fake bronze statues? On the good side of the fence, we have collected some useful tricks that can come handy whenever you find yourself purchasing bronze statues. Remember these tricks and hopefully, you will take real bronze sculpture to your home, nothing less.

Statues Appearance

They say that looks can deceive. But they also say that experts only have to look to recognize fake from real. Surprisingly, appearance can tell a lot even if there has been any rigging with a bronze statue.

Bronze sculptures have &#;patina&#;, a glossy layer that gives the sculpture a shiny look and also keeps the metal from being oxidized. Almost every bronze statue has a patina layer, but sometimes they can sell you fake bronze statues with patina on the surface.

How to Check: Check the metal&#;s color by scratching the patina, real bronze has a reddish-gold color. But, since there are variations in the portion of the elements of the alloy, colors do vary from yellowish to onyx.  But if the color is too blackish, or matted you should be alarmed. Or, if it&#;s too shiny to be bronze, you should keep walking away.


Bronze is in no way a soft metal. It&#;s not easily flexible or easy to poke into. You cannot crack it effortlessly, either.

Sometimes fake bronze statues are made of molds like resin, and afterward, coated with patina. So they look alright to the innocent buyers.

But statues made of resin are easy to crack, they are bendable. So, don&#;t be surprised if you happen to push your finger or a stick into the &#;flesh&#; of the statue.

How to check: Poke around and even squeeze the bronze statues to feel whether there is any flexibility or not. One thing to note, fraudsters use iron to pass as bronze, because, iron is way cheaper than bronze and quite easier to find. So, if the metal feels too strong, beware!

You can also try the heating option to check if the metal is bronze or not. Strike a match, and hold the matchstick close to the sculpture. If the matter gives away and starts melting, you can be sure that it&#;s not bronze. Bronze has a higher melting point and it will take a lot more heat than a little fire to melt the metal.


Do you ever notice how different metals have different sounds? Bronze has its own variation of sound, too. You can check whether bronze statues are made of bronze or not by doing a simple test.

How to check: Just take something that can be used to hit the metal piece, hit it, and listen to the sound carefully. If the metal is indeed bronze, then you should hear a ringing, little chiming sound that will last a few seconds after the hitting.

On the other hand, if the sound is like a thud and dull, you can be quite sure that the metal is not metal, at all. Fake bronze substances like resin will make a dull and heavy sound.


We can tell a lot about things by guessing their weight in our everyday life. Bronze statues can be quite heavy, especially, if they are large in size.

How to Check:  If you are purchasing a small sculpture, try to weigh it in your hands. Feel and evaluate its weight. If it feels too light, then it might be because it&#;s made of resin and not bronze.

However, if the statue feels too heavy, it might be iron. It&#;s difficult to understand, but once you know how a piece of real bronze weighs beforehand, you can do the test quite perfectly.


If you are absolutely sure that a statue is made of bronze, and you want to purchase a similar one. Then take the piece with you when you are going to buy the bronze statue. It will help you immensely, because, then you will be able to compare both bronze statues first hand.

Observe and compare everything &#; including the price. This will help you not only to purchase the right material, but you will get it at the best price as well.

Remember these little tricks and apply them as much as you can whenever you are purchasing a bronze statue. It will save you from lots of regret and disappointment in the future.

If you are interested to purchase some classy bronze sculptures, you must know that is the right place for you. They have the best collection of bronze statues of various categories such as bronze animal statues, bronze bird statues, bronze fountains, etc.

All the sculptures come from highly recommendable artists from all over the world. At, you will also find modern art, high-class paintings, fine arts, chandelier lighting, and so much more.

It&#;s the best place to purchase because they have everything attested so there is no room for tricking or any kind of funny business.

You can rest assured that you will get the best deal out of every purchase you make at this place. What&#;s more, they keep the price at a reasonable level, so your dream of purchasing bronze statues can come true easily if you buy from them.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website XIANGTAI.

Some Best Bronze Statues From Fine Art Outlet

Spelter or bronze: how to spot the differences

26 October

What is spelter - and how can you tell if an antique is made out of spelter or bronze?

It&#;s difficult to spot the differences between the two just by looking at them.

Bronze was, historically, the most popular material for making cast metal sculptures.

Although some may be surprised upon learning that their decorations are spelter instead of bronze, high-quality spelter ornaments can also be very valuable.

After all, antique items made of spelter are a sign of the times when the material was widely used.

Here&#;s a quick guide for how to identify each material - and therefore determine if something is made of spelter or bronze.

What is spelter?

Ultimately spelter became a key metal for Art Deco sculptures and figurines

Like bronze, spelter is an alloy, which is a metal combined with other elements.

Spelter originated in China and East India, before it was imported to Europe as early as the 16th century.

Demand for cheap spelter grew in the 19th century. It was used from the s onwards in everything from tableware to candlesticks.

Ultimately spelter became a key metal for Art Deco sculptures and figurines.

There was a shortage of copper to make bronze, due to its use in World War I military weaponry, leading to the rise of spelter for decoration instead.

Spelter or bronze?

It&#;s not easy to tell if an ornament is made out of spelter or bronze

Specifically, what is spelter made of?

Zinc and lead, while bronze is made of copper and tin.

The challenge when it comes to how to tell bronze from spelter, is that spelter naturally ages over time to closely resemble bronze.

So without seeing a clear difference, it&#;s not easy to tell if an ornament is made out of spelter or bronze.

One difference is that spelter has a lower melting point, but that&#;s not a very helpful check for an antiques collector!

How to identify spelter

If the object has any cracks visible, it&#;s likely to be spelter rather than bronze

Relative to bronze, spelter is much softer.

Spelter is also brittle and thinly cast, therefore ornaments made from spelter are fragile and can be easily damaged without care.

If the object has any cracks visible, it&#;s likely to be spelter rather than bronze. Corrosion also occurs more easily in spelter.

Any scratches on the coating found on spelter should reveal a white or grey colour and any scratches on the base of the item should leave behind a silver mark.

How to identify bronze

Whether your ornaments are bronze or spelter, it&#;s best to keep them away from any moisture to avoid corrosion

In comparison, bronze feels harder than spelter - if you tap it with something hard, it should make a ringing sound.

Bronze is solid but if the base of the piece has been scratched with a tougher metal, then it should have a gold or yellow colour.

Bronze is unlikely to show damage and is less corrosive than spelter, however it&#;s also susceptible to &#;bronze disease&#;.

Finally, bronze is heavier than spelter. However if only the item&#;s base is heavy, it could be a spelter sculpture attached to a different base, giving it extra weight.

Whether your ornaments are bronze or spelter, it&#;s best to keep them away from any moisture to avoid corrosion.

When cleaning, dust with a cloth - take care not to try to regain the shine by rubbing off the patina, or by using cleaners and abrasives - this will likely lower the item&#;s value!

Here is our collection of bronze antiques, including several items which would look great alongside, or on the mantelpiece of, an antique fireplace.

Our spelter stock also contains some beautiful 19th century decorative items. For further queries about spelter or bronze, or about anything in our collection, please contact us.

For more information, please visit Bronze Leopard Sculpture.