The Cold Truth About Whitening Gels

10 Jun.,2024


The Cold Truth About Whitening Gels

Continuously refrigerated from manufacture to delivery at your office.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit teeth whitening factory.

Heat is the enemy of whitening gel potency&#;and gel potency is a big key to ensuring totally satisfied whitening patients.

All peroxide based whitening gels are unstable chemicals &#; they&#;re supposed to be. This is why they&#;re able to break down quickly in the mouth, releasing bleaching factor byproducts. The downside of this chemical instability is that all whitening gels start degenerating immediately after manufacture if not kept under constant refrigeration.

The higher the temperature, the greater the degradation process. Warm, or even hot temperatures, often encountered during warehouse storage at chemical manufacturers and whitening product companies, is problematic. Even more problematic is the high temperature (125°F &#; 165°F) typically encountered in freight truck bays during truck shipment of gels from chemical factories to whitening companies, and from whitening companies to your office. Just think of how hot your closed car gets on a sunny day! This extreme heat often causes severe heat degradation of the whitening gels.

Is it any wonder that you experience such a wide range of effectiveness with typical whitening systems?

As NON-refrigerated whitening products break down and degrade during storage and shipping, hydrogen ions are produced. Those hydrogen ions are acid (pH = potential of Hydrogen). Whitening gels therefore become more and more acidic as they break down, resulting in an ever increasing possibility of sensitivity and pain.

Constant refrigeration virtually stops breakdown of whitening gels.

More importantly, refrigeration protects whitening gels against the potency-robbing damage of heat during storage and shipping. Even when stored at room temperature (73.4°F), whitening gels more than double or triple in acidity. So just imagine how acidic whitening gels become when exposed to warmer temperatures during warehouse storge, or worse yet, the common 125°F &#; 165°F during truck shipping. This significantly increased acidity greatly increases the osmolarity of whitening gels. That increased osmotic &#;pull&#; on dentinal tubular fluid further increases sensitivity. The increased acidity that occurs during NON-refrigerated shipping and storage results in increased &#;stabilization&#; of the whitening gel, which means when placed in the mouth, the gel will not break down as thoroughly in the mouth when we want it to.

KöR Whitening is the first company to constantly refrigerate a full line of teeth whitening products from the moment of manufacture, until you receive them cold-packed at your dental practice.

The result? With KöR Whitening systems you get exceptionally effective gels with lower sensitivity and less risk of pain for your patients. When KöR gels are placed onto the warm teeth, they break down with extraordinary effectiveness.

Teeth Whitening Syringes and Trays: All your Questions ...

Teeth whitening is a simple procedure that can yield bright results. There are many ways to achieve a stunning smile. And, dentists often recommend using teeth whitening syringes and trays to keep their patients&#; teeth bright and shining. If you are into the business of selling teeth whitening solutions to dental clinics, spas, salons, retail stores, etc., you must have answer to the common questions related to teeth whitening syringes and trays. Let&#;s begin.

1. Are there any Specifications to using Teeth Whitening Trays and Gel Syringes?

There are many types of teeth whitening trays available in the market. You can ask the dentist to customize the fit according to your teeth. Alternatively, you can also buy custom thermoform teeth whitening trays online. They are also called boil and bite teeth whitening trays. The procedure to get a customized fit with the thermoform trays is simple. You need to dip the tray in warm water for about 5 seconds and place it on your teeth so that the mold gets shaped in the form of your teeth. It is very simple and available in many colors online.

Coming to the teeth whitening gel syringes, there are a wide number of options for you. It all depends on your requirements. Are you ok with an advanced 6% Hydrogen Peroxide formula? Do you want to go for 35% Carbamide Peroxide or are you interested in customized gel formula? Are you looking for overnight teeth whitening procedures? Make sure you list down your needs before starting a whitening session at home.

2. How to Prepare for a Teeth Whitening Session?

When you are in the business of delivering beautiful smiles, preparation is the key. Whether you are a dental hygienist, a salon technician, or someone who wants to use the teeth whitening tray for their own, here's how you can prepare for successful results.

a. Keep the teeth whitening tray and gel ready for use. Check the use-by date to avoid using expired products.

b. Ensure that the dental surface is clean, dry and free from any food residue.

c. It is advisable to wait for an hour before using the gel on the teeth. It will reduce the chances of developing any teeth sensitivity issues.

For more information, please visit coconut oil whitening strips.

3. How to use the Whitening Trays and Syringes efficiently?

Now, comes the application part.

a. Clean the tray with water and dry them completely.

b. Put a small dot of the gel (the size of a rice grain) in each indentation.

c. Apply the gel in such a way that it focuses on the enamel that&#;s facing the outside.

d. Make sure you are not putting the gel on the edges because it will slide out and irritate your gums.

e. Align the loaded tray over the teeth accurately.

f. Press down the tray slowly over your teeth so that the gel spreads evenly.

g. Take the next tray for the opposite jaw and repeat the same procedure.

h. Do not bite the tray hard otherwise it might break or distort.

i. Keep the trays in your mouth for the duration suggested by your dentist.

j. After removing the trays, rinse your mouth and wipe your teeth to remove any gel residue.

Note: If there is any irritation in the gums, do not worry. It is temporary. However, if sensitivity continues for long, stop the procedure for 1-2 days. Meanwhile, use a desensitizing toothpaste until the sensitivity disappears. If you are troubled by persistent problems, visit a dentist.

4. What is the Cleaning Procedure of the Dental Whitening Trays?

Once the procedure is done, clean the trays and prepare them for the next session. Wash the trays with water. Use a Q-tip to clean the trays thoroughly and leave them to dry. That's it!

5. How long does it take to Whiten the Teeth?

The time required to whiten teeth depends on several factors such as the severity of staining due to coffee, tea, or wine. A highly concentrated gel may deliver quick results. Usually, 1-2 weeks is required to see visible changes.

In addition to the whitening procedure, avoid coffee, tea, wine, soda, sauces, tobacco, cigarettes, etc. to reduce the chances of staining. The pores in the teeth are open due to the teeth whitening procedure. And, if one consumes anything that has the potential to stain, it will affect the teeth quickly. Regular use of a straw and gargling after food consumption is necessary.

Using teeth whitening gel syringes and trays can deliver brighter, whiter teeth. The procedure can help remove stains from your teeth and make a smile more beautiful than ever. However, it is not a substitute for bad oral health. Everyone must visit dentist regularly to avoid cavities and gum diseases.

Are you in need of teeth whitening trays and dental whitening gel syringes? Get in touch with WSD Labs USA. The US-based teeth whitening products manufacturer will help you with the bulk purchase of dental whitening solutions. Private label packaging available.

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