4 Tips for Choosing Between Whitening Strips vs Gel

19 Jul.,2024


4 Tips for Choosing Between Whitening Strips vs Gel.

Everyone dreams of having a brighter and whiter smile, but many of us have yellow or stained teeth, which can affect our self-esteem and confidence. Luckily, there are numerous teeth whitening products available in the market, but the most popular ones are whitening gel and strips. Both products promise to give you a brighter and more confident smile, but which one is better suited for you? In this article, we will share four tips for choosing between whitening strips vs gel.

1. Know the difference between whitening strips and gel.

Before choosing between whitening strips and gel, you need to know the difference between the two products. Whitening strips are thin, flexible plastic strips coated with a gel containing hydrogen peroxide. They are designed to conform to the shape of your teeth and can be applied on the upper and lower teeth. On the other hand, whitening gel is a peroxide-based solution that is applied directly to the teeth using a brush applicator, a tray, or a mouthguard.

2. Consider your lifestyle and preferences.

When choosing between whitening strips and gel, you need to consider your lifestyle and preferences. If you lead a busy life and prefer a quick and easy solution, whitening strips may be a better option. They are easy to use and require no preparation or cleanup. On the other hand, if you prefer a custom-fit treatment and have sensitive teeth, gel may be a better option. Gel can be applied with a custom-fit tray, which can minimize the contact of the gel with your gums and other sensitive areas.

3. Check the concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in both whitening strips and gel. It is responsible for breaking down the stains on your teeth and giving you a brighter smile. It is essential to check the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the product you choose. Most whitening strips and gels contain between 10% to 20% hydrogen peroxide. Higher concentrations may lead to tooth sensitivity and gum irritation, so it is essential to follow the instructions carefully.

4. Consider the cost and availability.

Lastly, you need to consider the cost and availability of the product. Whitening strips are widely available in drugstores and supermarkets and cost between $20 to $50 for a pack. Whitening gel, on the other hand, may cost more and may require a dental visit to get a custom-fit tray. It is essential to choose a product that is within your budget and easy to find.


In summary, choosing between whitening strips and gel can be a daunting task, but it does not have to be. By considering your lifestyle and preferences, checking the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, and considering the cost and availability of the product, you can make an informed decision. At the end of the day, both products promise to give you a brighter and more confident smile. If you are still unsure about which product to choose, we recommend consulting with your dentist.

Contact Us.

If you have questions about teeth whitening products or require expert advice, contact us today. Our team of dental professionals is always available to help you achieve a brighter and more confident smile.

Want more information on pap teeth whitening strips, oem teeth whitening kits? Feel free to contact us.