Whopping Great Benefits of E-Scooters on Body and Mind

19 Aug.,2024


Whopping Great Benefits of E-Scooters on Body and Mind

Electric scooters have many benefits. Some people are drawn to them for their affordability, eco-friendliness, and portability, while others simply love cruising the city streets with the wind rushing past them.

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However, the benefits of e-scooter riding go far beyond that. One of the lesser-known benefits of riding an electric scooter is that it can improve your overall health, both physical and mental.

How so? Some of the ways might surprise you.

Below, we&#;ll break down the many health benefits of riding electric scooters.


#1 Electric Scooter Riding Can Benefit Your Financial Health

You may have heard the saying &#;health is wealth.&#; However, this sentiment goes both ways&#;financial stress can wreak havoc on your wellness over time. Owning an electric scooter can mitigate some of this by offering you a more affordable way to get around town.

Here are a few ways that electric scooters can lighten the burden on your budget:

  • Electric scooters are relatively affordable to purchase




    Electric scooters are a lot more affordable than cars, motorcycles, and even some bicycles

    . In the long run, they may also cost less than public transport and ride-share services.

  • Electric scooters require minimal fees


    &#; Unlike cars and motorcycles, e-scooters rarely require insurance, registration, or special licenses (though laws vary from city to city). In turn, you most likely won&#;t need to pay any fees or premiums


    to ride your electric scooter legally


  • Electric scooters boast low operating costs


    &#; Most notably, e-scooters are inexpensive to charge, operate, and maintain. You can charge your e-scooter from the comfort of your own home using electricity, saving you countless trips to the gas station. Most charging sessions only cost a few cents.

#2 Electric Scooter Riding Can Improve Your Balance

Electric scooters possess powerful motors, so you don&#;t need to exert much energy or work up a sweat to keep them in motion. While riding an electric scooter doesn&#;t involve intense cardiovascular activity, it still engages the body in many ways.



Notably, riding an electric scooter requires you to stabilize yourself as you skirt around corners, zip down hills, and slow down for stop signs. In turn, you can use each riding session to work on your balance. Over time, the improvements in your balance can be quite impressive.

When compared to strength or endurance, balance is an aspect of physical fitness that often goes overlooked. However, having good balance has many health advantages, including:

  • Strengthen core and reduce pain

  • Reduced risk of falling, lowering the chance of injury

  • Improved athletic performance

  • Enhanced body awareness

#3 Electric Scooter Riding Can Help You Build Core Strength

As many dancers and yogis know, balance is closely connected to your core strength. As you work on your balance while riding your e-scooter, you&#;ll also get the opportunity to tone your core muscles. If you are worried about getting jacked. You shouldn&#;t. It's highly unlikely that you will get a six-pack. However, you can expect many other e-scooter benefits.

New e-scooter riders often grip the handlebars in an attempt to maintain their balance, but experienced riders know that tightening your core muscles is the proper way to stabilize yourself.

You may notice yourself tightening and relaxing your core continuously as you accelerate, decelerate, brake, and turn. As you get better at riding electric scooters, you&#;ll naturally build up your core muscle&#;s strength.

The best part? You don&#;t have to do any tedious sit-ups or crunches to get these gains.

#4 Electric Scooter Riding Can Burn Calories

As noted above, electric scooter riding isn&#;t a high-intensity workout by any means. However, it can still burn a considerable amount of calories, since you have to stand for the entire duration of your ride. Standing throughout the ride will help you burn more calories than if you were sitting in a car or on a bus. On top of that, you&#;ll have to engage several muscle groups to stay upright.

Considering how fun electric scooter riding can be, the additional calorie burn is the cherry on top. If you ride your electric scooter daily, you can even support your weight loss or weight maintenance goals.

To get an idea of how many calories you can burn riding an electric scooter, let&#;s take a look at the estimated number of calories burned doing similar activities for 30 minutes:

  • Weight lifting


    &#; 110 calories

  • Walking


    &#; 150 calories

  • Cycling


    &#; 280 calories

  • Elliptical training


    &#; 370 calories

  • Running


    &#; 420 calories

#5 Electric Scooter Riding Can Tone Your Legs

Another major muscle group that you&#;ll rely on heavily while riding an electric scooter are your leg muscles. Your legs support your weight the entire time you ride. They&#;ll also help you stabilize yourself as you turn, speed up, slow down, and brake.

After your first few rides, you may notice a little soreness in your legs due to all of this activity&#;it just goes to show how much your body is engaged while you ride.

Plus, since electric scooter riding is so addicting, you can turn every day into leg day.


#6 Electric Scooter Riding Can Improve Your Coordination

Whether you&#;re naturally clumsy or well-coordinated, riding an electric scooter can help you improve your ability to execute several tasks at once. While riding, you&#;ll frequently need to:

  • Kick-off into motion and rev your throttle

  • Keep an eye on the road and evade upcoming obstacles

  • Slow down your speed and signal turns

These tasks require hand-eye coordination and demand your full attention. As you practice them, you&#;ll eventually see improvements in your coordination. You may also discover that performing complex riding moves becomes second nature.

Eventually, your coordination may start improving in other areas of your life outside of riding. If it does, you can thank your trusty e-scooter for providing such fun coordination training.

#7 Electric Scooter Riding Can Promote Better Posture

Many people spend the majority of their day hunched over in a chair looking at a computer screen&#;prioritizing good posture often falls to the wayside.

Unfortunately, bad posture can cause a slew of health issues, such as:

  • Back pain

  • Tension headaches

  • Low energy levels

  • Tight neck and shoulder muscles

  • Reduced lung capacity

  • Poor circulation

  • Disrupted digestion

Riding an electric scooter encourages you to practice good posture more often. As you spend time riding around in an upright position, you may notice that you stand straighter during the rest of your day too. In turn, you may see a reduction in any poor-posture symptoms you&#;ve been experiencing.

#8 Electric Scooter Riding Can Boost Your Mood

So far, we&#;ve focused on the physical electric scooter health benefits you can experience when you ride an electric scooter regularly. However, an equally important area of health that e-scooter riding can enhance is your mental health and well-being.

Here are a few ways that riding an electric scooter can bestow you with a better mood:

  • E-scooter riding can help you inject fun into your day


    &#; Juggling all of your daily responsibilities can be stressful. Luckily, riding an electric scooter can inject your day with a little fun.


    Zipping through the city




    along a nearby nature trail


    can be an exhilarating experience. It also gives you a chance to take a deep breath, feel the wind in your hair, and appreciate the present moment.

  • E-scooter riding may inspire you to explore the great outdoors


    &#; In addition to leading stressful lives, many people spend most of their days confined to indoor spaces. Spending time outdoors in nature is a well-known way to reduce stress and anxiety. When you own


    an all-terrain electric scooter

    , you can go outside for relaxing nature rides anytime you want. Nearby nature paths and riding trails are your playground. While you ride outdoors, you can also soak in a little extra vitamin D, which is known to have mood-boosting effects. 

  • E-scooter riding can connect you with a community


    &#; Loneliness is a common problem in our increasingly digital world. In a survey of people living in the US, one out of five struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation. An easy solution? Hopping on your electric scooter, riding around your community, and saying hello to your neighbours. Your riding journeys offer plenty of chances to engage with new friends and old. You may even come across a fleet of fellow e-scooter enthusiasts and forge friendships with them. Positive social connections and a sense of community can bring more meaning and fulfillment to your day-to-day life.

  • E-scooter riding can help you avoid common commuting stressors


    &#; If you choose to ride your electric scooter to work, you&#;ll get to skip out on many common commuter stressors, such as traffic jams, crowded public transportation, and scarce parking options. Many of these commuting struggles can compound the stress of your day significantly, especially after a hard day&#;s work. With an electric scooter in tow, you can whiz past sluggish traffic with ease and take your commute in your own time.

    For more CHEAP HIGH SPEED NEW ELECTRIC SCOOTERinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.


#9 Electric Scooter Riding Can Improve the Health of the Planet

Is an electric scooter good for health? Yes. Is it also good for the health of the planet? Also yes.

As time goes on, climate change and pollution pose serious risks to everyone&#;s health on a global scale. So, while focusing on your personal health is of paramount importance, it&#;s also vital to think about the health of the planet.

One way you can reduce your environmental impact is by using an electric scooter in place of a car more often. After all, e-scooters are eco-friendly:

  • They produce zero emissions


    &#; Unlike gas-guzzling vehicles, e-scooters don&#;t emit any carbon emissions while in use.

  • They&#;re energy-efficient


    &#; E-scooters are also impressively energy-efficient, boasting 1,000% more efficiency per mile than cars.

  • They&#;re non-polluting


    &#; Lastly, e-scooters don&#;t contribute to your city&#;s noise pollution. Instead, they&#;re sleek, clean, and quiet.

Thanks to these eco-friendly benefits, you can feel good about promoting a healthier planet every time you hop on your electric scooter.

Enhance Your Health With an Apollo Scooter

With so many benefits, ranging from improved strength to a better mood, purchasing your own electric scooter is a wonderful investment in your overall health and well-being.

If you&#;re looking for a high-performance e-scooter model that will support your health for years to come, Apollo Scooters has you covered. We carry e-scooters for beginners, commuters, and adventurers alike. We also have many convenient e-scooter accessories.

Discover which Apollo electric scooter is the right fit for your healthy lifestyle today.



Does riding an electric scooter burn calories?

Yes, riding an electric scooter does burn calories. While it might not burn as many calories as high-intensity sports, it certainly contributes to your daily calorie expenditure. The exact amount of calories burned depends on factors such as your weight, the intensity of the ride, and duration of the ride. 

Is riding an electric scooter good exercise?

While riding an electric scooter may not be as physically demanding as other forms of exercise like running or cycling, it can still offer a decent workout.

Steering and balancing the scooter engages your core muscles and lower body. It also improves your balance, coordination, and flexibility. As with any form of exercise, the benefits depend on how often you ride and the intensity of your rides.

How to balance on an electric scooter?

Balancing on an electric scooter requires some practice but here are a few tips: Start by standing up straight on the scooter with one foot forward for stability. Hold the handlebars firmly but not too tightly.

Lean slightly forward as you start to accelerate. Always keep your weight centered over the scooter, not leaning too far forward or backward.

As you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase your speed. Wearing protective gear such as a helmet is always recommended for safety. Read our guide to learn what kind of equipment you should get for maximum protection.

What are the health benefits of an electric scooter?

There are several health benefits associated with riding an electric scooter.

First, it can provide a form of low-intensity cardio exercise which can improve cardiovascular health.

Secondly, maintaining balance and steering the scooter can help improve your core strength, balance, and coordination. Electric scooters can also serve as a stress reliever, as outdoor activities often help to improve mood and overall mental health.

Additionally, using an electric scooter for transportation reduces car usage, which is beneficial for both your health and the environment.


Advantages and Disadvantages to Buying an Electric Scooter

Advantages and Disadvantages to Buying an Electric Scooter

Buying an Electric Scooter

Electric scooters are amazing &#; that much we know for sure! But if you are considering purchasing your first e-scooter, it&#;s perfectly natural to want to balance the pros and cons before pulling the plug.

Compared to other modes of transport, PEV&#;s are still very new on the scene. As such, the information available on them isn&#;t as comprehensive as it is for more established modes of transport. 

Read on for an in-depth and balanced look into some of the most important factors to take into consideration before buying an electric scooter.   

What are the Advantages of buying an Electric Scooter?

1. Electric Scooters are convenient

E-Scooters are highly convenient compared to other modes of transport. You can start your journey instantly and don&#;t need to drive around looking for a car parking spot. 

They&#;re also perfectly suited to short journeys where cars and motorcycles are significantly less practical or environmentally viable.

2. You don&#;t need a license (in most countries)

Unlike cars and motorcycles, electric scooters don&#;t require a license in most countries &#; which also means no spending potentially hundreds on lessons, tests and documentation like you do with a car! 

Many countries also impose much lower age requirements on electric scooters, making them viable transport options for a younger audience as well.

3. Electric Scooters are easy to ride

E-Scooters pose little more of a challenge to users than riding a bike. This is a big contrast to other motorised vehicles like cars which are highly complex to use and require long and expensive training courses and tests.

They are also far less exhausting to ride than a regular bicycle, which is especially great for those who have health conditions that make riding a bicycle uncomfortable or impractical.

4. The Electric Scooter has many evolving safety features

Electric scooters are progressively gaining more and more safety features for peace of mind. Hand-operated acceleration control, rear-wheel brakes, ABS, headlights and tail-lights are just some of the features designed to keep you &#; and other road users &#; safer on the road.

5. Electric Scooters help to reduce motor traffic

By opting to use an electric scooter for short journeys, the amount of cars, motorcycles and bus users on the road will naturally decrease. This can help to resolve the problems of overcrowded roads, standstill traffic jams and massive environmental pollution caused by too much traffic.

6. The low environmental impact of an Electric Scooter

The car industry is slowly making the move towards electric, but most cars on the road are still fuel-based and will continue to be for some years to come. 

Here lies one of the greatest strengths of electric scooters &#; by utilising batteries rather than combustion engines, they are inherently more eco-friendly, producing zero emissions and zero pollution! 

7. Noise pollution is a thing of the past with Electric Scooters

Cars, motorcycles, buses&#; our cities are more overloaded with vehicles than ever before. With this comes a significant amount of noise pollution. 

Electric scooters are almost silent, which gives them yet another major environmental advantage over other transport options, especially in urban areas. 

8. The money you will save when you use an Electric Scooter

We all know how draining petrol and diesel can be on your pocket. One of the great benefits of electric scooters being electric is that they don&#;t require a single drop of fuel! This makes them considerably cheaper to run than other predominantly combustion-based vehicles like cars, motorcycles and mopeds &#; always a bonus! 

Typically, you can get a 1 hour charge for less than 30p (GBP), which can take you up to 30 miles!* &#; not bad eh? 

*Depending on the model, size of the battery, weight of rider and speed you ride at.

9. In comparison, Electric Scooters are cheap and easy to rent

Forget expensive rental cars &#; the ability to rent electric scooters in cities across the world is a huge boon for the e-scooter industry. Being able to rent an e-scooter for occasional journeys eliminates the need to invest in your own model and, depending on your usage, could prove to be far more cost-effective than getting taxis, buses, trams or trains!

10. Electric Scooters are portable, compact and easy to store

Have you ever tried folding down your car and storing it in the corner of a room? 

Electric scooters arguably win over all other forms of transport in this respect &#; many models are compact and can be folded and stored, taking up a reasonably small footprint in your house or garage. They also aren&#;t going to require a parking bay when out and about or commuting to work. 

As if this wasn&#;t enough of a boon, a lot of electric scooters are generally very portable as you can carry some foldable models under one arm &#; just try doing that with a car!

11. Low maintenance costs of an Electric Scooter

Between repairs, servicing, MOTs and part replacement, just maintaining a car can be prohibitively expensive. By comparison, electric scooters are much kinder on your pocket! There is no oil or filters to change, most maintenance tasks can be carried out at home &#; in turn eliminating costly garage visits &#; and there are no routine servicing or MOT costs to account for.

What are the Disadvantages of Buying an Electric Scooter?

1. Electric Scooter Price

Sure, an electric scooter is likely to set you back a bit with the best models running into four-digit figures &#; but compare that to the cost of a decent car and its maintenance! 

e-RIDES offers various ways to pay including Klarna and Laybuy, so if you do fancy one that gives you more bang for your buck &#; we&#;ve got you covered!

2. Speed of an Electric Scooter

Depending on the model you buy, some electric scooters are capable of achieving speeds above 37mph (60km/h). These speeds do, however, tend to be reserved for more expensive models at the upper end of the market. 

Even at 37mph, electric scooters are obviously not as speedy as other modes of transport such as cars, motorbikes and petrol scooters. 

That said, for short journeys and inner-city rides where these speeds are more than sufficient, this isn&#;t likely to present a real problem.  

If only the fastest will do, consider the Currus Panther, Dualtron Ultra or the Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11 PRO+ &#; all offering up to 50mph &#; and all available to buy at e-RIDES!

3. Electric Scooters aren&#;t designed for long journeys

Even the most high-end, electric scooters are not equipped for long journeys in the same way that many other motorised vehicles are. They come into their own on shorter commutes and trips, but if you need to head out of town or commute longer distances, you&#;ll be hard pressed to make an electric scooter work for you. 

4. Some Electric Scooter models can be quite heavy

While electric scooters are generally quite lightweight and portable, some of the more advanced models can carry quite a bit of weight due to larger batteries and components. This can make them trickier to transport than a regular non-electric scooter, though obviously still far lighter than a car or motorcycle!

The lightest models e-RIDES have available are the E-Twow Booster GT or E-Twow Booster S+ weighing in at just over 12kgs and 11kgs respectively. Other models in the same weight range are our e-RIDES Edition e-Scooters also &#; light enough for you to carry easily.

5. Electric Scooters offer less exercise than a bicycle

Getting from A to B without exhausting yourself is an advantage in many cases. But for those who value bicycles and manual scooters for the exercise benefits that they offer, electric scooters require far less effort and therefore are not nearly as viable as a means of exercise.

6. The Battery of an Electric Scooter needs charging

Electric scooters are powered by a battery, which of course means that they require frequent charging. You will get a good amount of ride time out of a full charge, but that charge could take a few hours to complete depending on your model of electric scooter. 

Compared to this, a regular petrol scooter with a combustion engine can be refuelled much quicker &#; though with obvious environmental and financial consequences.

If you&#;re looking for an electric scooter with the longest range, e-RIDES has you covered with the Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11 PRO+ (80 miles), Currus Panther & Dualtron Ultra (75 miles).

7. Some users leave them around everywhere

It&#;s great that you don&#;t need to find a car parking space for your electric scooter, but even this can lead to issues, especially for rental scooters. News articles abound of e-scooters being left abandoned in parks, by the side of roads and in other places &#; and littering by electric scooter is no light matter! 

Most cities will seek to fine and prosecute those who behave in such an inconsiderate manner, but it is undeniable that such behaviour from those few individuals does little to reinforce a positive image of electric scooters to the general public.

Are Electric Scooters legal?

While many countries and regions across the UK, EU and USA don&#;t expressly forbid the use of electric scooters, rules and regulations regarding their use are inconsistent, incomplete and sometimes downright confusing. 

This will surely improve as the world grows to embrace this relatively new mode of transport, but for now, it is undeniably far more difficult to research and follow the legal rules for electric scooters than it is for more established modes of transport such as cars and motorcycles.

For a breakdown of the laws surrounding electric scooters in a range of countries, check out our post &#;Are Electric Scooters Legal Where I Live?&#;

Here at e-RIDES, we are passionate about all PEV&#;s and their safe usage. This article is by no means exhaustive and we urge you to refer to the user manual for usage and maintenance for exact model requirements and statistics. Please ride responsibly and uphold the guidelines and laws of your geographical location.

For more information, please us &#;  

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