What is office furniture and Why Do We Use Them?

02 Apr.,2024



Why is it important to have the right office furniture?

08th June 2022

The words ‘office furniture’ often conjure up visions of small, boxy desks and squeaky, unsupportive chairs with no character. However, it is perhaps one of the most important things to get right. The role of office furniture is to create a practical yet inviting environment for employees to use, that enhance productivity and wellness within the workplace.

High quality office furniture will:

  • Promote the wellbeing of employees
  • Increase productivity
  • Encourage collaboration
  • Enhance brand Identity

Promote the wellbeing of employees

When employees are provided with ergonomically designed, and aesthetically pleasing furniture, they are more likely to feel physically and mentally comfortable within the workplace. Creating a space that allows employees to feel relaxed, calm and comforted, will help to focus their minds which in turn, will produce higher quality work.

For example, adding adjustable furniture such as our flexure desk, will allow employees to adjust their workspace to suit their needs. Having a flexible workspace will prevent back problems and increase concentration and motivation which in turn will bring higher employee satisfaction and improve their quality of work.

Increase productivity

Perhaps one of the most desired outcomes of installing ergonomic furniture in an office, is increased productivity. For any adequate work to be done, it is essential the people doing the work are happy and comfortable in the office space provided. Adding furniture with sound absorption will allow employees to focus on their tasks without office noises distracting them.

In addition to sound absorption, one of the most important features office furniture should provide, is comfort. Sitting in a chair all day can become extremely uncomfortable if the chair is not designed for a full workday. Providing high quality desk chairs will reduce the risk of back pains and posture-related issues and will offer lumbar support which is good for circulation -aiding healthy blood flow to the brain. After all, investing in quality office furniture, is investing in employee’s health and productivity.

Encourage collaboration

One of the most common set-ups seen in traditional offices are rows of walled cubicles for executives and assistants, and larger, separate office spaces for more senior employees. However, many businesses today are opting for more dynamic and agile spaces that encourage people to not only integrate with their colleagues on a level ground, but also to provide dedicated office zones for different means of use such as relaxation, meetings, focussed working or collaborative working.

Furniture such as this SoundRoom system, allow people to tailor an open office space to suit their specific needs. Different to meeting rooms, these systems are used for more of an intimate collaboration between smaller groups of employees to discuss ideas and tasks without being distracted by other people or noises – perfect for more focussed collaborative work.

In addition to this, adding soft furnishings to communal spaces such as sofas like this upholstered armchair and sofa set, will encourage employees to take breaks from their desks and interact with other co-workers. This has been proven to boost mental wellbeing and create a more collaborative and positive working environment.


Enhance brand identity

First impressions really are as important as people say. Whether inviting current, or potential clients into the office, it is important they leave impressed and with a good sense of what the company stands for.  

Stylish, high-quality furnishings, light and inviting colour schemes and a collaborative layout can be vital in displaying a clear brand identity which in turn will generate positive relationships with clients. Adding unique wall pieces in entry ways such as a piece of personalised artwork, will create an interesting talking point for guests, making it easier to break the ice. Consistent branding can also foster trust with your customers, especially if you have multiple offices around the globe.

Create an ergonomic office space with Haiken and reap the benefits

Haiken’s range includes a range of stylish and ergonomic chairs, height adjustable desks, soft seating as well as acoustic and smart storage solutions for all your office needs. Focusing on more than just looks, our office furniture range is designed to make your workspace truly flexible and uses quality where it matters to provide cost-effective solutions for all budgets. We love to work closely with our clients to recommend furniture that suits their business, or their clients’ business best.

So, if you’re interested in learning more about the Haiken furniture range and want to turn your office into a multifunctional workspace, contact our expert team today – we’re always happy to help.

A Smart & Ergonomic Office Layout Can Have A Huge Impact on an Organization

Have you ever hunkered down in a chair at an office and realized that a certain part of your back hurts after getting up? What kind of opinion did that give you about the company you worked for? We may not contemplate office furniture when designing an efficient interior, but its impacts are immediate and far-reaching. Every day, people go to work and sit behind their desks until the workday is over. And you will have visitors! So you need your reception furniture for office to convey a strong message about the values of the company.

A lot has evolved with the running of the business, and current business owners are working towards efficiency and productivity. Collaboration has become the new order of the day. These business practices encourage people to work anywhere that is suitable for them. However, many still prefer to work together in an office setting. This is enhanced through smart office features that make the employees happier and productive.

The main element to maximize office potential is buying smart workstation desks for sale. Here’s how the furniture is a crucial factor for optimizing your workplace:

1) It does boost productivity

If you look for ways to boost morale and uplift your employees’ mood, then getting them ergonomic office furniture is a sure-shot way of making it happen. Uplifted moods will keep your employees fresh, get the creative juices flowing, deadlines will be met, and the overall office environment will be one that is efficiency personified. Modern offices have a blend of varied spaces for coffee breaks, socializing, and working. An office that can adapt according to the needs of its employees by providing adequate office furniture is destined for success.

2) Office furniture makes your work environment more flexible

Yesterday’s confined cubicle spaces no longer hold true for today’s generation, especially when turnover has become a norm. Along with incorporating used cubicles for sale, there are times when meetings need larger space and times where a quiet corner is of the essence. Future-centric businesses require the implementation of varied environments that can serve different purposes. It needs a myriad of workstations, whiteboards, comfortable chairs, fast Wi-Fi, and large tables that can be transformed from a sitting to a standing station at will. In short, contemporary work environments need flexible furniture as much as flexible schedules, and that can only be achieved if you utilize a sincere thought process while designing your interiors.

3) Office furniture can leave ever-lasting impressions

First impressions no longer work in today’s world- you need to make a lasting impression for people to keep coming back to you. Whether it’s a potential employee, a visitor, or a client, the way your office furniture feels and is placed reflects the way you run your business and your work ethic. It may seem that your business is in a sad state of affairs if greeted by droopy and run-down chairs. If you promote dedication and tenacity for details, your furniture needs to set a cutting-edge image that is only achievable with the right office furniture. Office Furniture Center carries a sustainable and responsible solution for upgrading your office’s aesthetic.

4) Office furniture can create much-needed space

A cluttered office is a cry for help and can be conveniently heard with furniture that has storage space for printers, scanners, and other devices. Storage space is also a factor in productivity since working in an unorganized environment means that the mind space is also cluttered. If you want to know where everything is, then the paperwork and the technology need to work in harmony. Storage pedestals, filing cabinets and shelving can help keep your space organized, meaning less time will be spent looking for the documents and materials that you need.

5) Comfort is the bottom line

Since most of the workday is spent seated, comfort becomes an integral part of office furniture, whether it’s office chairs or break room sofas, or used Steelcase chairs. Poorly built chairs can cause tremendous physical suffering, which is bound to make employees dread another long day at work. People who look forward to coming in to work are an asset for any business, which means that providing them with comfort should be on your priority list as a business owner. It should give ample back support and leg space and be adjustable for varied individual needs. Comfort also extends to desks, temperature, and storage.

A sedentary lifestyle is a common cause of many chronic diseases. Modern office reception desks for sale and other pieces encourage people to move around and remain active for the entire day. This could lead to much of the work being done in a shorter time and amping the staff’s morale with a much-deserved sense of achievement. It also means your business is well on its way to become a massive hit.

What is office furniture and Why Do We Use Them?

5 Reasons Why Office Furniture is Important for the Workplace Environment

For more information, please visit waiting chairs suppliers, waiting seats, waiting room chairs wholesale.