The Complete Guide To Microfiber!

09 Sep.,2024


The Complete Guide To Microfiber!

Microfiber products have existed for decades, yet fewer than 20% of car owners use them.

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This exceptional tool remains under-utilized.

You&#;re in the right place to learn more about microfiber and the car detailing benefits!

What Exactly is Microfiber?

First, let&#;s define this amazing technology.

Microfiber is basically ultra-fine manufactured fibers. They weigh less than 0.1 denier.

So, why is that significant?

The resulting fabrics provide a superior hand, a gentle drape and incredible softness.

Microfiber is absolutely perfect for auto detailing enthusiasts!

How Does It Stack Up?

Comparatively, microfibers are:

  • Two times finer than silk
  • 3 times finer than cotton
  • 8 times finer than wool
  • 100 times finer than a human hair

Very impressive indeed!

The Different Materials

So, what&#;s it made of?

Currently, there are four types of microfibers being mass produced.

Here they are:

  1. Nylon
  2. Polyester
  3. Rayon
  4. Acrylic

I&#;ll be focusing on the most common blends of microfiber material used in car detailing applications; Nylon (polyamide) and polyester.

These are DuPont fiber inventions that go way back.

Polyamide is actually used as the core of hybrid fiber (generally 20 to 30% of the content) and polyester is the outer skin (70 to 80%).

This all seems so technical, right? What I want you to know is this:

Each fiber has specific qualities. When professionally blended, they can be used to create extremely beneficial fabrics for car owners.

History of Adaptation

The revolution happened by accident&#;

Yup! The cleaning and water absorbing ability offered by microfiber fabrics was discovered by pure chance!

Microfiber yarn development, in the s and early s, was intended to stimulate competition for natural yarn materials, like cotton and silk.

Long story, short&#;

An early adopter of microfiber yarn was Olsson Cleaning Technology. This company operates from Sweden.

Anyway, things took a weird turn!

They discovered that splitting fibers made them &#;grab&#;. This was found to vastly improve performance of cleaning towels.

By , the semiconductor industry had adopted microfiber to wipe down computer processors, microchips, etc.

It was a no-brainer.

Compared to conventional cleaning chemicals, microfiber is nearly lint-free.

Wedges and Spokes

What if you could look at a cross-section of the fiber itself?

Well, you&#;d see it is sliced into wedges (polyester) and attached to spokes (polyamide).

Polyester wedges have an ability to scrape away microscopic bits of dirt. Meanwhile, polyamide spokes create a wicking action that pulls liquid in.

The result is astounding!

In fact, many microfiber manufactures claim their yarn can absorb 7 to 8 times its weight in water.

Guys, that&#;s nearly double the cotton&#;s capacity!

FYI: Microfiber towels are also effective for removing bacteria from smooth surfaces.

Tiny Yet Terrific Technology

Microfiber is so good that it&#;s very difficult to imagine.

Try wrapping your head around this:

A square inch of fabric contains 90,000 to 200,000 fiber strands.

What! To the human eye this thread would be all but unnoticeable.

In practical terms, when woven into cloth it has a soft feel, like cashmere or silk.

But it&#;s the capillary action ability as well as quick, strong absorbency that is mind blowing. This is what enables microfiber towels to clean and polish at the same time.

Automotive Microfiber Products

OK, so let&#;s get down to what this means for your car.

There&#;s a diverse offering of microfiber products for detailing including:

  • Towels
  • Applicators
  • Gloves
  • Dusters
  • Wash mitts

For towels you&#;ll find dozens of different weaves, material weights, fabric blends, colors and sizes (more on color in a moment).

Here&#;s how I categorize microfiber towels:

1.  General Purpose &#; This is typically a microfiber towel (16&#; by 16&#;) with a standard terry cloth weave and an 80/20 blend of polyester and polyamide. The towel has no specific purpose. It&#;s adept at wiping paint, glass, vinyl, plastic and leather. This could be the towel you use most frequently.

2. Glass & Polishing &#; Microfiber cloths for polishing and glass cleaning seem to have the same basic characteristics. First, the towel should be 100% lint-free. In most cases, the weave will have a shorter nap than a general purpose towel.

FYI: A decent glass towel needs scrubbing power to remove residues that cause streaking. It&#;s the same characteristic that makes a good polishing cloth.

3.  Drying &#; There are two microfiber toweling weaves that work for drying: Terry cloth and waffle. A short terry loop or one of the offset (longer on one side than the other) both work well for drying. Choose a microfiber terry cloth with a heavy (plush nap) and you won&#;t be able to wring it out. Towels with a satin edge are known to offer superior drying.

For everyday use, I recommend a waffle design. It has an ability to wick up water like nothing else!

Microfiber &#;waffle weave&#; drying towels come in a range of fabric weights. (more on this later)

4.  Cleaning &#; There are a few microfiber weaves marketed specifically as &#;cleaning towels&#;. The nap is very tight and course, and the microfiber strands aren&#;t split. These towels have little absorbency. The intended purpose of these towels is janitorial work, not car detailing. What I have found works best for me are hand towel size polishing towels.

5.  Final Buffing &#; Years ago microfiber &#;suede&#; fabrics crossed over into the automobile detailing arena as final wipe towels and final buffing bonnets. I haven&#;t been overly impressed. It is soft, but it does not seem to perform any better on paint (for final buffing) than a general purpose towel.

To be clear:

You do not need a specialized microfiber towel for buffing. A polishing or all-purpose towel will suffice.

Learn From My Microfiber Experience

I&#;ve made some key observations after buying and using these products over the years:

1.  Look and feel is deceptive. You cannot judge how a microfiber product will perform by its look or feel alone. You must test. Some towels appear very soft and plush, yet they leave micro marring on a delicate paint finish.

2.  Color makes a significant difference. Dark colors don&#;t feel as soft as light colors. You can take towels of the exact same fabric (dyed different colors) and the darker towel will not feel as plush or soft.

3.  Edge binding makes a big difference in towel safety (as a detailing towel). Towels surge bound with heavy polyester thread, or improperly cut by a hot wire, are likely to cause marring on paintwork.

4.  Weave determines the best function of the towel, not the material blend or weight. It&#;s true polyamide is more absorbent than polyester. Nevertheless, a towel with a blend of 70% polyester and 30% polyamide is not necessarily better at drying than an 80/20 blend (respectively). The weave and fiber treatment (splitting) determine wicking ability as much or more than the material blend.

Guidelines For Comparing Products

The market for microfiber towel products is fierce.

Demand for microfiber technology will remain high for the foreseeable future.

As a result, dozens of factories (mostly in Asia) have sprung up. This seemingly happened over night!

For the most part, they compete solely on cost.

The result?

Affordability, but at a cost. The American market has been flooded with cheap, inferior products.

Take it from me&#;

There is a significant difference between quality microfiber towels and junk coming in by the boat load.

Here&#;s what you must consider:

1.  Most inexpensive towels use microfiber thread that isn&#;t split. The equipment necessary to produce micro-replication splitting is quite expensive. Avoid these towels.

2.  Microfiber threads are larger on cheap towels. Quality microfiber strands are .01 to .02 denier. I&#;ve seen cloths from China with a denier of .5 or higher. That&#;s about the same as polyester thread used in bath towels. Terrible!

3.  Some inexpensive towels are 100% polyester or have low polyamide content. As a result, they offer little absorbency capability. Forget it!

Let me stress something here&#;

Look, feel and read the label before buying a bundle of microfiber towels at a bargain price.

Don&#;t misunderstand me! You don&#;t need expensive microfiber detailing towels.

You&#;re golden as long as the cloths are definitely suitable for detailing a fine automobile.

But just because it&#;s &#;microfiber&#; does not mean it will suit your needs!

How to Buy Microfiber (The Smart Way)

Learn the ins and outs of these attributes and you&#;ll be a microfiber marvel.

1.  Towel density is key. It&#;s a measure of fibers per square inch of fabric. Quality microfiber is between 90,000 to 225,000 fibers per square inch. Generally speaking, a higher fiber count means the towel will very effectively absorb water.

2.  The ratio of the polyester and polyamide is also very important. Polyamide is more expensive than polyester. Expect to pay more for a 70/30 blend.

3.  Look at the weave and fabric thickness (plush-ness). Depending on the specific task the cloth is designed to perform, the fiber ends may be hooked (for cleaning), feathered (for polishing and glass cleaning), or tufted (for drying).

4.  Again, quality doesn&#;t come cheap. Microfiber is no different. This isn&#;t always obvious. The biggest complaint with automotive microfiber is towels with cheap edging scratch paint.

Let&#;s discuss the edging phenomenon!

People may be searching the net asking, &#;Why is microfiber scratching my paint?&#;

There are 2 possible reasons:

The factory used a hot wire system to cut their towels. A hot wire can melt fabric.

When polyester and nylon melt, they turn into hard plastic.

Or the towel may be generating excessive lint.

Microfiber lint is caused by a high pile or a broad weave using a bad fiber split. This allows fibers to break off, creating lint.

However, do not assume you have an excellent towel just because it doesn&#;t produce lint.

FYI: The cheapest towels often don&#;t lint since they do not have split fibers.

How To Use Microfiber

Using microfiber towels is pretty simple.

For cleaning: you simply wet, wring and wipe. For drying: you wipe, wring and wipe.

How much easier could it be?

Of course, there&#;s a lot more to detailing than just cleaning. A common use for microfiber towels is quick detailing.

This is light cleaning to remove dust, finger prints, water spots and other minor contamination.

Microfiber towels make quick detailing a snap. Simply mist your car with a quick detailing spray and wipe!

It&#;s best to wipe in a single direction until all visible dust and contamination is removed. And be sure to also flip the towel frequently.

Here&#;s why!

A good microfiber cannot unload particles without being immersed in water. Wipe back and forth while quick detailing and you&#;ll be rubbing the dirt you pick up back and forth over the paint.

To remove polish or wax, wipe in a back and forth motion.

Never in circles.

Fibers will unload some of the product previously picked up when used in a circular motion.

So, flip and refold the towel frequently to maintain a fresh side.

Pro Tip: It&#;s time to get a fresh towel when polish or wax begins to smear.

My Maintenance Advice

I&#;ve read a lot of tips on how to clean and care for microfiber. People are all over the map!

Take it from me, it&#;s very simple.

The best general purpose cleaner is a liquid detergent. Liquid is recommended over powder.

Why is that?

Some powders do not completely dissolve and the granules will lodge in the toweling.

Wash in cold water only. Warm water can be tolerated, but hot water cannot.

Polyester and polyamide both shrink in hot water.

What happens if you wash in hot water?

The fibers will absolutely shrink and the towel will no longer perform.

Also, do not use fabric softeners of any kind.

The softener will become lodged in the microfiber. This reduces an ability to absorb water, clean and pick up dirt. You&#;ll have a useless soft towel.

What else?

Do not dry above medium heat.

Treat microfiber towels the same as you would delicate clothing.

Fact: Drying with high heat is worse that washing in hot water.

Most Valuable Players

The most versatile microfiber product I have discovered is the waffle weave detailing towel.

Originally designed to be a drying towel, the waffle (Piqué) weave has the best characteristics.

Here&#;s what I mean:

It&#;s adept for drying, polishing, glass cleaning and quick detailing.

Go waffle if you&#;re looking for a single towel to do the most work!

Choose a light grey, purple or white waffle towel (these are the softest) in a medium weight.

Heavy weight towels are good for drying only. The best size is 25&#; by 36&#; (bath towel size).

For all other work? Go with a 16&#; by 26&#; (hand towel size).

Here&#;s another microfiber tool you should be aware of:

A new generation of edgeless microfiber towels that reduce a possibility of scratching by removing the binding.

Critics Be Gone

Even after years of beneficial use, there are still microfiber critics.

You have staunch supporters of 100% made-in-America terry cloth cotton toweling. They claim that cotton is the only safe material.

It is possible these people haven&#;t seen magnified results of cotton vs. microfiber toweling.

Summing It Up

The future of microfiber is bright.

Manufacturers continue to develop this fantastic technology. Soon scratching problems will be a thing of the past.

Part of the reason for advancements is intense competition. Low-cost providers keep prices in check.

It&#;s a buyers market when it comes to microfiber tools.

Just be super selective!

Check out the Paint Repair Clinic section of the website!

How To Choose The Best Microfiber Towels For Car ...

Table Of Contents

What Is A Microfiber Towel And Why Is It Special?

Microfiber towels have revolutionized the detailing industry, transforming how both car enthusiasts and professionals care for their vehicles. Crafted from a blend of polyester and polyamide (nylon) fibers, these towels boast an ultra-fine texture, finer than human hair. The distinctive structure of microfiber towels grants them a multitude of advantages that set them apart from regular cloths, rendering them perfect for detailing assignments. In the following sections, we will delve into selecting the optimal microfiber towels for your car detailing needs.

Types Of Microfiber Towels

Low Pile

A low-pile microfiber towel is characterized by its short fibers, typically ranging from 200 to 300 GSM (grams per square meter). GSM is a measurement of the density and thickness of the microfiber, and a lower GSM indicates a thinner and lighter towel. These towels are tightly woven with fine fibers, giving them a smooth texture and a tight-knit appearance.

Where Do Low Pile Towels Exceed?

  1. Polishing and buffing

  2. Precision cleaning in tight areas (i.e. air vents, buttons, and trim)

  3. Glass cleaning

Medium Pile

A medium pile microfiber towel is characterized by its fibers that typically range from 300 to 500 GSM (grams per square meter). The slightly longer fibers compared to low-pile towels provide increased absorbency and a more plush feel. Medium pile towels strike a balance between having enough surface area for excellent cleaning and polishing capabilities while still maintaining a manageable thickness.

Where Do Medium Pile Towels Exceed?

  1. All-purpose cleaning

  2. Wax and sealant application

  3. Light drying

Contact us to discuss your requirements of best microfiber waffle weave drying towel. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

High Pile

High-pile microfiber towels typically range from 600 to 1,200 GSM. The abundance of fibers in high-pile towels allows them to hold more liquid and provide a higher level of cushioning, making them ideal for delicate surfaces. These high GSM, fluffy towels are our go-to since there is a reduced risk for creating swirl marks on the paint.

Where Do High Pile Towels Exceed?

  1. Scratch-free compound removal & drying

  2. Buffing and finishing touches

  3. Delicate surface detailing

  4. Enhanced absorption

Waffle Weave

Waffle weave microfiber towels are easily recognizable by their textured surface, featuring a pattern of square or diamond-shaped indentations resembling a waffle. These indentations serve a dual purpose: they increase the surface area of the towel and create small pockets that enhance water retention. As a result, waffle weave towels have superior absorbency, making them highly effective at soaking up water and liquids.

Where Do Waffle Weave Towels Exceed?

  1. Streak-free drying

  2. Large coverage area

  3. Versatility

  4. Durable & long-lasting

How To Choose The Best Microfiber Towel For Car Detailing

Choosing the best microfiber towel for your auto detailing needs isn't always easy, however, hopefully, the information below will help you make an educated decision on which type of towel to start off with. If possible, I would encourage you to buy a few types and test each of them out yourself to really get a good understanding of the material types, price ranges, etc. Let's get to it:

Towel Size

  1. Surface Coverage: The size of the microfiber towel directly influences the surface area it can effectively cover in one pass. Larger towels are more efficient for drying larger sections of your car, such as the hood or side panels, as they can absorb more water without becoming saturated too quickly. Smaller towels, on the other hand, are better suited for precision cleaning tasks and accessing tight spots.

  2. Drying Efficiency: If you frequently perform full car washes, a larger microfiber towel will save you time and effort during the drying process. Large towels with ample surface area can quickly absorb water from larger surfaces, reducing the number of passes needed to achieve a spotless finish.

  3. Detailing Versatility: Having a range of towel sizes in your detailing arsenal allows you to tackle various tasks with precision and ease. Consider a mix of large, medium, and small towels to cater to different areas of your car and specific detailing tasks.

  4. Portability and Storage: While larger towels offer greater coverage, they may be less portable and take up more storage space. If you frequently detail on-the-go or have limited storage, compact and foldable towels might be a better option.

  5. Specific Detailing Tasks: Tailor the towel size to the tasks you most commonly perform. For example, if you focus on exterior detailing, a larger towel for drying and buffing would be ideal. For interior cleaning, smaller towels are excellent for detailed work on delicate surfaces.

Composition Ratio

The performance of a microfiber towel is determined by a few things including the ratio of polyester to polyamide. Towels with a higher percentage of polyester will have increased durability and will be effective at trapping larger debris, however, they have slightly reduced absorbency, and a coarser texture.

On the other hand, towels with a higher percentage of polyamide will be softer, and they will also have increased absorbency. This makes it ideal for delicate surfaces, but these towels may have slightly reduced durability.

  1. Determine Your Detailing Needs: Consider the types of surfaces you frequently work on and the tasks you perform. If you focus on delicate detailing tasks, such as paintwork or interior cleaning, opt for towels with a higher polyamide percentage. For heavy-duty cleaning and exterior tasks, towels with a higher polyester ratio may be more suitable.

  2. Strike a Balance: In many cases, a balanced composition ratio is preferred. Towels with an equal or close-to-equal blend of polyester and polyamide offer a versatile option, providing a good compromise between durability and softness, as well as absorption and cleaning power.

  3. GSM and Weight Consideration: Pay attention to the GSM (grams per square meter) of the towel as well, as it can impact its overall performance. Higher GSM towels are generally thicker, more absorbent, and durable, while lower GSM towels are lighter and better suited for precision cleaning.

Grams Per Square Meter (GSM)

  1. Absorbency and Thickness: GSM directly correlates with a microfiber towel's absorbency and thickness. Towels with higher GSM are denser and more absorbent, making them excellent for tasks that require maximum moisture retention, such as drying your vehicle after a wash.

  2. Durability and Longevity: In general, higher GSM towels tend to be more durable and have a longer lifespan. Their thicker and denser composition allows them to withstand frequent use and washing without losing their effectiveness or structural integrity.

  3. Softness and Plushness: Lower GSM towels, while not as absorbent as higher GSM ones, often have a softer and more plush texture. These towels are ideal for tasks that involve delicate surfaces, where a gentle touch is essential to prevent scratches or damage.

  4. Versatility and Precision Cleaning: Towels with medium GSM offer a good balance between absorbency and softness, making them versatile for various detailing tasks. They are suitable for precision cleaning, removing light dust, and general wiping down of surfaces.

Manufacturing Country

  1. Quality Control and Standards: Different countries have varying regulations and standards when it comes to manufacturing products, including microfiber towels. Some countries have stringent quality control measures, ensuring that products meet specific requirements for durability, absorbency, and softness. Choosing towels manufactured in countries with established quality standards can give you confidence in the product's performance.

  2. Materials and Technology: The country of origin may also influence the quality of materials used and the technology employed in the production process. Some countries may have access to advanced microfiber technology, leading to the creation of high-quality towels with superior performance.

  3. Reputation and Expertise: Certain countries have a reputation for being experts in textile manufacturing, including microfiber products. They may have a long history of producing high-quality towels and other textile items, making their products a reliable choice for consumers.

Towel Edges

  1. Delicate Surfaces: If you frequently work on delicate surfaces, such as painted exteriors, clear coat finishes, or interior trim - consider edgeless or silk/satin-edged towels. These types of towels offer the highest level of scratch prevention and protection.

  2. All-Purpose Use: For all-purpose detailing, serged edges are a practical choice. They provide good protection against fraying and offer sufficient scratch prevention for general cleaning and maintenance tasks.

  3. Quality Matters: Regardless of the edge finish, prioritize high-quality microfiber towels from reputable brands. Quality towels with proper edge finishing will provide better performance, durability, and scratch prevention.

Pile Height

  1. Drying and Buffing: For efficient drying and buffing tasks, consider microfiber towels with medium to high pile heights. The longer fibers will hold more water and provide a soft and gentle glide over the surface, promoting a streak-free and high-gloss finish.

  2. Cleaning and Maintenance: For general cleaning and maintenance tasks, medium pile towels offer a versatile option. They can effectively capture dirt and debris without being too abrasive on surfaces.

  3. Delicate Surfaces: When working on delicate surfaces, such as paintwork or interior trims, opt for high pile towels. The longer fibers will provide the softness and scratch-free touch necessary to preserve the integrity of these surfaces.

Tips For Getting The Best Results & Conclusion:

Microfiber towels are essential for achieving professional-level results in auto detailing. To make the most of these versatile cloths and ensure your car shines with brilliance, consider these essential tips for getting the best results:

  1. Invest in High-Quality Towels: Quality matters when it comes to microfiber towels. Invest in towels from reputable brands with excellent reviews and a proven track record of performance. High-quality towels will provide superior absorbency, durability, and scratch prevention, giving you better results in your detailing endeavors.

  2. Use Separate Towels for Different Tasks: Assign specific towels for different detailing tasks to prevent cross-contamination. Separate towels for interior cleaning, exterior cleaning, and drying to avoid transferring dirt, debris, or chemicals from one area to another.

  3. Pre-wash New Towels: Before using new microfiber towels, it's a good practice to pre-wash them to remove any potential residue from the manufacturing process. Use a mild detergent and avoid fabric softeners or bleach, as these can affect the towel's performance. Click here to learn more about washing microfiber towels.

  4. Use Edgeless Towels for Delicate Surfaces: For delicate surfaces like paintwork or interior trim, opt for edgeless microfiber towels. The lack of sewn edges eliminates the risk of scratching and ensures a gentle touch on sensitive areas.

  5. Avoid Excessive Pressure: Microfiber towels are designed to be effective with minimal pressure. Avoid applying excessive force, especially when wiping down surfaces, to reduce the risk of inducing scratches.

  6. Fold Towels for Multiple Cleaning Surfaces: Fold microfiber towels into quarters or smaller sections. This technique allows you to use clean portions of the towel for each pass, preventing contaminants from spreading across the surface.

  7. Regularly Inspect and Replace Worn Towels: Regularly inspect your microfiber towels for signs of wear, such as fraying edges or reduced absorbency. Replace worn towels promptly to maintain their effectiveness in your detailing routine.

  8. Wash Microfiber Towels Separately: Wash microfiber towels separately from other laundry items to avoid lint transfer and maintain their performance over time. Use a gentle detergent and follow the manufacturer's washing instructions.

  9. Store Clean and Dry Towels Properly: After washing, allow your microfiber towels to air dry completely before storing them. Store them in a clean and dry location to prevent contamination and maintain their effectiveness.

Incorporating these tips into your mobile detailing practices will help you achieve outstanding results with your microfiber towels. With the right techniques and high-quality towels, you'll be able to preserve your vehicle's pristine appearance, ensuring it stays in top-notch condition for years to come. Happy detailing!


About Cummings Mobile Detailing

Here at Cummings Mobile Detailing, we strive to provide the best quality interior and exterior car, truck & van detailing, and more importantly, the best customer relationships.

With our large service area, accompanied by our mobile detailing setup, we are capable of servicing vehicles in locations including your home or workplace. We are based in Rolesville North Carolina, and we service vehicles in Wake Forest, Raleigh, Garner, and more. Our objective is to keep your vehicle looking great on a schedule that fits your needs. No job is too big or too small.

We seek to deliver high-quality service at a reasonable price. That's why our service packages are affordable and tailored to your vehicle to help you get the most out of each and every detail. The best part about having a mobile setup is that we make it easy to keep your vehicles looking great by offering on-site detailing so you can go about your day as usual

Before you go through the hassle of going to a car wash or detailing your vehicle yourself, give us a call today or click here for more information!


For more pu coated microfiberinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.