Analogue vs. Digital Wireless Microphones

09 Sep.,2024


Analogue vs. Digital Wireless Microphones

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Analogue vs. Digital Wireless Microphones

In the audio world, few debates raise blood pressure levels more than the analogue vs digital question. The world of wireless microphones is no exception.

In the audio world, few debates raise blood pressure levels more than the analogue vs digital question. Audio enthusiasts will argue the topic for hours, with the majority of conversations ending with a mixed conclusion of advantages and disadvantages on both sides. The world of wireless microphones is no exception, only in this instance we have the added complication of RF (radio frequencies), which are not the same as audio signals. Therefore, analogue vs digital for wireless is a unique debate in its own right - coming bundled with its own particular set of quirks and misconceptions. Here's what you need to know:

Sound Quality

It is difficult to determine which is better from an audio viewpoint, as so many variables come into play. Generally speaking, though, digital systems will tend to have 'better audio' from a dynamic range and frequency perspective. This is because analogue wireless systems need to compress the dynamic range of the audio before it can be carried on a radio wave. Then, once the compressed signal reaches the receiver, the signal is expanded back to an uncompressed audio signal ready for use; the whole process is collectively referred to as companding. More advanced, higher-end wireless systems are typically better at performing the companding process, and subsequently, the issues associated with it are typically more noticeable in cheaper analogue systems.


One aspect of digital systems that tends to worry people is latency. Analogue, of course, has virtually zero latency, while the amount of latency in a digital system can vary depending on the processing qualities of a particular digital system.

Small amounts of latency, however, are tolerable depending on the application. In conferencing applications, latencies of 15 ms or more are common and acceptable. Live performance, on the other hand, is a completely different kettle of fish, as the performer will need to monitor themselves through in-ears or wedges with any significant delay being detrimental to their performance. Low latency is also particularly important for instruments such as guitar, where any substantial delay could completely compromise their timing and performance. When choosing a digital system, pay close attention to latency specifications.


RF Performance

The difference in RF performance depends on what part of RF spectrum the system operates in, and, how spectrally efficient the system is. For example, analogue and digital systems are both able to operate in the UHF band range (470 - 865MHz), but digital wireless systems are much more spectrally efficient in this space. Some digital systems allow up to twice as many compatible microphones in the same RF footprint as their analogue counterpart.

Still, digital does not always mean more wireless channels. Take a digital wireless system operating in the 2.4 GHz range for example. These systems can typically handle a total of 4-5 compatible systems - much less than analogue wireless.

All differences in efficiency aside, it is important to note that RF interference can happen to either analogue or digital systems. In both cases, proper frequency coordination and planning is imperative within the UHF space. You need to avoid interference from TV broadcast and other UHF wireless sources while also selecting a set of frequencies that don't interfere with each other. To make this task simple, we recommend using the freely available Shure Wireless Workbench 6 software.

As a caveat, our digital 2.4GHz example cannot be coordinated using Wireless Workbench, and instead relies on scanning, automatic frequency coordination, and interference avoidance. This level of automation is certainly cheaper and easier, but it also comes with a compromise in channel count.

Security, or 'Encryption'

If signal security is your primary concern, then the decision is already made for you, as only digital wireless systems are capable of encryption. Most Shure digital wireless systems utilise AES-256 bit encryption, which is widely considered the most secure encryption standard.



The 4 points above are just some of the differences between analogue and digital wireless systems. Your selection moving forward will likely be less to do with better or worse, and more to do with which one is right for your application. If all this seems slightly overwhelming, you're not alone. Wireless systems and RF spectrum can seem daunting; couple this with the recent changes to spectrum allocation over recent years and you can easily begin to feel well in over your head.

Nevertheless, wireless microphones are key to modern production values, and learning to operate them reliably has become a key competency for any serious sound engineer. For this reason, we have created 'Losing Your Voice', a resource website for users of wireless systems to stay abreast with the latest changes to RF spectrum. Also, 'Losing Your Voice' links user of wireless systems to the resources and training they need to keep on top of their game. It's your show folks, run it with confidence!

Advantages and Disadvantages of VoIP

Business VoIP is gaining popularity as many companies continue to integrate its use in operations. This technology has many advantages, including greater scalability and substantial potential savings. However, it also bears its share of limitations. For instance, it requires the availability of a reliable high bandwidth internet connection. So what is a VoIP system?

What Is a VoIP System?

VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol lets you make voice calls over the internet or LANs (local area network) instead of the typical mobile network or landline. Popular apps like Viber, Skype, FaceTime, LINE, Facebook Messenger, and use VoIP to facilitate calls. Many businesses adopt the technology due to its convenience, low cost, and added advantages over regular service. 

VoIP allows you to make calls anytime, anywhere, and you only need a reliable internet connection and an internet-enabled smart device with a speaker and microphone. VoIP technology converts analog voice signals into digital packets of information transmitted over the internet connection. VoIP digital signals are then reconverted into regular signals at the destination. 

VoIP is transforming into full-featured unified communication hubs handling all communication forms, including voice calls, web conferences, voice mail, faxes, and . Different VoIP types include integrated access, Hosted IP private branch exchange (PBX), session initial protocol (SIP), and managed IP PBX.

VoIP Advantages and Disadvantages

Adopting VoIP systems can help an organization achieve significant cost savings. For example, it can help you save on your bills by more than 50%. Just as using specialized services like can be a great advantage for handling academic writing tasks efficiently, choosing the right VoIP service tailored to your business needs can similarly maximize your cost efficiency. However, the actual savings with VoIP will vary depending on the specific service you opt for.

Advantages of VoIP

Reduced Cost

Adopting VoIP systems can help an organization achieve significant cost savings. For example, it can help you save on your bills by more than 50%. However, the cost savings will vary depending on the VoIP service you choose and your business needs. Nevertheless, VoIP can save on costs either directly or indirectly.

Direct Cost Savings

PBX Cost

A private branch exchange (PBX) is an on-site physical piece of hardware that connects several landline phones in an organization and costs a lot of money. The cost of installation of on-site PBX is very high. VoIP systems

 help eliminate the need for extra hardware by using a broadband connection. A business can use a Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) to upgrade to VoIP. The SIP Trunk allows the exchange of voice services and maintains your current office hardware. You can activate SIP Trunking instantly, and it is easier to manage. 

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Eliminating Wiring Charges

VoIP systems help eliminate charges associated with extra wiring since they allow both data and voice on the same channel. In addition, they are full-duplex, meaning that they can send data and voice concurrently and only require one Ethernet cable to connect. This also means that an office will save costs on altering the building&#;s electrical wiring. 

Reduced Calling Expenses

A business can spend a significant amount of money on systems and integration expenses throughout the year. An organization will save costs by utilizing VoIP calls since they are cheaper than the traditional circuit-switched or public switched networks. This is due to the reduction of data carriage costs, making VoIP affordable. In addition, there has been an increase in internet speeds, and data charges have been reduced significantly. 

One of the benefits of VoIP is that international and local calls are usually charged the same. This enables a business to communicate with international clients and suppliers more conveniently at no extra cost. In addition, you will be able to eliminate expensive roaming fees. 

Eliminate Recurring Expenses

Recurring expenses such as repair and maintenance fees and taxes accumulate vast sums of money. VoIP service offers affordable subscription plans that combine these expenses. 

Indirect Cost Savings

Remote Work Savings

VoIP allows the office to connect to the corporate system while working remotely. In addition, it has various mobile features such as auto-attendant, call-waiting, conference calling, and instant video calling that traditional phones do not have. This can help increase the overall employee productivity and reduce the cost of utilities and save office space.

Re-Assign Workforce

A business can repurpose its workforce into other productive duties. For example, the VoIP auto attendant feature allows your staff to save time fielding and directing calls. 

Ease of Accessibility

VoIP allows you to make calls anytime, anywhere with access to a reliable internet connection. This increased accessibility is valuable, especially when you are traveling for business. This is one of the best benefits of VoIP besides cost. You can redirect a call to another colleague if you are unable to answer. Your business becomes an app on your smartphone that you can access on the go. It also gives your business flexibility as employees can even work from home. 

Complete Portability

The VoIP number is completely portable, allowing you to use the same number regardless of location. This is ideal for people who travel a lot, and a company can change its address and still retain its VoIP number. 

Clear Audio Quality

VoIP offers crisp and clear calls as long as you have a fast and stable internet connection with good bandwidth. This will improve the quality of your meetings and overall office communications. 


You can send images, videos, and documents with VoIP while making voice calls. This enables you to have impactful meetings with your staff or clients from all over the world. 


VoIP offers your organization the potential for high-quality, large-scale conference calls. You can add multiple users or remove them when necessary. VoIP is ideal for developing companies looking for a system capable of growing with the business. 

Disadvantages of VoIP


Latency issues can affect the quality of calls made through the VoIP systems. Latency problems occur when there is a poor internet connection with low bandwidth. You can also experience issues if you have an inadequate router or insufficient cables. VoIP requires a specialized VoIP router to run smoothly and provide higher priority to voice traffic over data. 

You can fix latency problems by using a high-speed internet connection with high bandwidth. Visit to find more info about respectable house cleaners in CA. You can also upgrade your Ethernet cables and use Cat-6 or CAT-5e on your VoIP devices.

Relies on Internet Access

It would help if you had a reliable internet connection with sufficient bandwidth to operate VoIP services. A poor internet connection will lower the quality of calls and the overall VoIP service. In addition, the number of concurrent calls will determine the bandwidth your company requires. 

Emergency Situations

During an emergency, a loss of power will disrupt all communications using VoIP service. VoIP-compatible devices require a sustained power source. Your business may still need a backup landline for emergencies. 

Security Issues

Security is a significant concern with VoIP with possible threats, including phishing, identity and service theft, spamming over internet telephony, viruses and malware, and call tempering and service denial attacks. However, you can improve VoIP security using IP technology such as encryption and improved identity management. 

Looking at the VoIP advantages and disadvantages, it&#;s clear that VoIP&#;s benefits outweigh the limitations. At Frontier Business Products, we work with many businesses from all fields and help them control, optimize and manage their workflow. Our VoIP service is easy to install and integrates seamlessly with other software. Contact us today and find out more. 

If you want to learn more, please visit our website wireless microphone for conference room.