Maximize Your Harvest: 50 Cell Microgreen Trays

07 Apr.,2024


**Prepare Your Supplies**.

1. Gather your 50-cell microgreen trays, organic soil mix, seeds, water, and a spray bottle.

2. Fill a bucket with water for moistening the soil.

**Fill the Trays with Soil**.

1. Fill each cell of the trays with organic soil mix, leaving a little space at the top.

2. Gently pat down the soil to create a firm base for planting the seeds.

**Plant Your Seeds**.

1. Sprinkle seeds evenly across the soil-filled cells, ensuring that each cell has an adequate amount of seeds.

2. Lightly press the seeds into the soil using your fingers.

3. Mist the soil with water using the spray bottle to moisten the seeds.

**Cover and Wait**.

1. Place the trays in a warm, bright location but out of direct sunlight.

2. Cover the trays with a clear lid or plastic wrap to create a mini greenhouse effect.

3. Check the trays daily and mist them with water as needed to keep the soil moist.

**Uncover and Expose to Light**.

1. Once the seeds have germinated and grown a bit, remove the cover to expose them to light.

2. Place the trays in a sunny location or under a grow light to ensure they receive adequate light for healthy growth.

**Harvest Your Microgreens**.

1. When the microgreens have reached a desirable size, use scissors to cut them just above the soil line.

2. Rinse the microgreens under cool water, pat them dry with a paper towel, and enjoy them fresh in salads, sandwiches, or as a garnish.

**Tips for Success**.

- Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged to prevent mold growth.

- Rotate the trays daily to ensure even growth and prevent leggy microgreens.

- Experiment with different varieties of seeds to create colorful and flavorful microgreen blends.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can maximize your harvest from 50-cell microgreen trays and enjoy a continuous supply of fresh and nutritious microgreens at home.

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