Damped Gas Springs & Dampers

10 Jun.,2024


Damped Gas Springs & Dampers

Dampers or &#;shocks&#; are devices that can restrict motion through viscous friction, usually paired with an external spring or moving masses such as doors and panels. Dampers generate an opposing force to motion which is directly proportional to velocity.

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Dampers are specified by their stroke (distance travelled) and their constant of proportionality (c) between the forces generated the velocity travelled, expressed as Force/ velocity (N/m/s or Lbs/in/s). For example, to control the closing time of a door of mass &#;M&#; at the damper pivot point, using a damper stroke &#;S&#; at time &#;T&#;, a damper with c = M/S/T should be specified.

Calculation basis industrial shock absorbers | B2B Shop

It is easy to calculate around 90 % of applications knowing only the following five parameters:

  1. Mass to be decelerated (weight)                     m    [kg]
  2. Impact velocity at shock absorber                 vD   [m/s]
  3. Propelling force                                                F     [N]
  4. Cycles per hour                                                c      [1/h]
  5. Number of absorbers in parallel                     n

Calculate the correct shock absorber according to your application

Key to symbols used

SymbolUnitDescriptionSymbolUnitDescriptionW1 NmKinetic energy per cycle3


1 to 3tall torque factor (normally 2.5)W2 NmPropelling force energy per cycleMNmPropelling torqueW3NmTotal energy per cycle (W1 + W2)Ikgm2Moment of Inertia1W4Nm/hrTotal energy per hour (W3 · c)gm/s2Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81mekgEffective weighthmDrop height excl. shock absorber strokemkgMass to be deceleratedsmShock absorber strokenNumber of shock absorbers (in parallel)L/R/rmRadius2vm/sVelocity at impactQNReaction force2vDm/sImpact velocity at shock absorberμCoefficient of frictionωrad/sAngular velocity at impacttsDeceleration timeFNPropelling forceam/s2Decelerationc1/hrCycles per hourα°Side load anglePkWMotor powerβ°Angle of incline

1 All mentioned values of W4 in the capacity charts are only valid for room temperature. There are reduced values at higher temperature ranges.

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2 v or vD is the final impact velocity of the mass. With accelerating motion the final impact velocity can be 1.5 to 2 times higher than the average. Please take this into account when calculating kinetic energy.

3 ST =^ relation between starting torque and running torque of the motor (depending on the design)

In all the following examples the choice of shock absorbers made from the capacity chart is based upon the values of (W3), (W4), (me) and the desired shock absorber stroke (s).

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