Choosing Outdoor Flooring For Badminton Court

06 Aug.,2024


Choosing Outdoor Flooring For Badminton Court


When it comes to sports infrastructure, the type of flooring used greatly affects how players perform and to what extent they are safe from harm while using the facility for any length of time. The decision on the correct outdoor badminton court flooring is more difficult in India, as the nation has a wide range of climates that all come with distinct challenges. The answer may be Pacecourt, a ground-breaking company in terms of synthetic acrylic floor technology for over ten years now.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

Eleven years ago, when Pacecourt was founded, it changed industry norms because it became India&#;s initial company to specialize in creating synthetic acrylic surfacing products such as those found in Outdoor Flooring For Badminton Court. That&#;s the reason why a composition of top-notch acrylic systems customized for the local marketplace has been devised by Pacecourt having had a keen insight into both environmental conditions existing around and players&#; likings in their own right.

Pacecourt's Journey and Expertise:

Pacecourt, which was founded in , identified an absence of locally manufactured synthetic acrylic materials for flooring which are high quality in nature in India. For the past 11 years, the company&#;s focus has been on engaging in research as well as development projects as it partners with sports personalities, court constructors, and material science specialists; implying that they have been able to come up with products meant for several climatic regions within India.

Pacecourt is not just specialized in manufacturing. It has gathered over 200 dealers in India who are complete amateurs in this field thereby allowing clients to seek contacts with masterminds in court construction and infrastructure maintenance. The firm has a full-scale solution for creating badminton playgrounds in the whole nation due to its wide-ranging repertory coupled with its broad-based internal knowledge.

Synthetic Acrylic Systems by Pacecourt:

Pacecourt has two different synthetic acrylic systems, each created for various requirements of performance as well as budget considerations.

Cushioned Acrylic Systems:

Pacecourt maximizes Outdoor Flooring For Badminton Court flooring technology with its soft systems. However, the player can enjoy enhanced safety and comfort while maintaining good performance. Such systems have multiple layers:

Base Layer: There is proper drainage and structural integrity when an asphalt or concrete base is prepared carefully.

Acrylic Layers: Several layers of custom-developed acrylic coating of Pacecourt, each designed specifically for India&#;s tough UV lights and extremely harsh weather conditions are applied.

Cushion Layer: This layer provides shock absorption as it is made of rubber granules that are bound together. Pacecourt offers variable thicknesses starting at 1mm up to 5mm which enable customers to choose between comfort and ball response properties.

Textured Top Coat: To ensure good grip and consistent bounce, a layer of fine silica sand or similar substance is added to the final layer.

Weather Resistance and Durability:

Indian weather may pose singular challenges to outdoor sports surfaces due to the high temperatures and UV rays in summer and heavy monsoon rainfall combined with very high humidity levels. Key reasons Pacecourt has designed acrylic systems that endure these hard environments.

UV Stability: By using exclusive additives and pigments, the colors remain in the shade for a long time and the stuff does not lose its properties under the action of the sun for a long time.

Water Resistance: A water-resistant barrier against moisture and protecting coating is an acrylic resin that prevents surface damage or subsurface problems caused by moisture penetration.

Temperature Tolerance: Pacecourt's products are engineered in such a way that they can tolerate a rise and fall of temperatures without any possibility of cracking, bubbling, or becoming too soft when exposed to high levels of heat.

Fungal Resistance: It is a common problem in humid regions and special chemicals slow it down so as not to grow into mold or mildew.

Our testing and data have shown over the past 11 years that the surfaces of Pacecourt will remain in perfect shape and playable for 5-7 years under normal use conditions. Whereas, this remarkable durability shows well against the highly demanding natural environment that exists across India.

Performance Characteristics:

Pacecourt creates synthetic acrylic surfaces that intended to cater to the needs of badminton players by taking into account the special conditions and preferences typical of this game in India.

Ball Bounce: Across the entire court, the textured surface enables consistent and predictable ball bounce which in turn enables accurate shot-making.

Traction: When incorporating fine aggregates into the top coat, excellent grip achieved without abrasiveness which means that players move confidently and at high speeds.

Pace of Play: Pacecourt offers a variety of structure options that allow players to mold the speed of the court based on their levels of expertise and styles.

Shock Absorption: This is true especially for cushioned systems where the flooring reduces impact stress placed upon their joints thereby enabling players to play in longer and more comfort.

Visual Clarity: During a game of badminton, the shuttlecock can easily tracked thanks to the clean line markings and flat surface.

Installation Process and Quality Control:

Pacecourt, even though it does not handle installations directly, has a well-built mechanism that guarantees quality outcomes:

Dealer Network: In India, over 200 professional dealers of Pacecourt completely knowledgeable about precise ways that Pacecourt systems should installed.

Installation Guidelines: We give every one of the dealers a detailed manual on installing our product which leads to similar outcomes when used.

Quality Control: For significant or high-profile projects, Pacecourt delivers face-to-face consultations and evaluations at crucial stages of the installation process.

Technical Support: During installation, in case of any questions or issues, there is an entire team dedicated to technical support for assistance.

The typical installation process includes:

Site assessment and preparation of the base

Application of the cushion layer (for cushioned systems)

Multiple layers of acrylic coatings with appropriate drying time between coats

Texturing of the final playing surface

Line marking according to official badminton court dimensions

The whole process usually lasts between 7 and 10 days, depending on weather conditions and system complexity.

Maintenance and Longevity:

Pacecourt&#;s synthetic acrylic surfaces are easy to maintain, a key consideration in the varied ecological conditions that India presents. Maintenance instructions for all its clients are provided by the company such as the following:

Daily/Weekly: Sweeping or blowing to remove debris

Monthly: Washing with a mild detergent solution to remove dirt and stains

Annually: Professional cleaning and inspection to address any wear issues

Every 2-3 Years: Repainting of lines to maintain clarity

Every 5-7 Years: Evaluation for potential resurfacing

Maximizing the return on investment, facility managers may guarantee that their Pacecourt surface remains in top condition for many years if these guidelines followed.

Cost Considerations and Value Proposition:

Pacecourt has competitive productions for it is an Indian manufacturer and therefore it is more cost effective than importation alternatives.

Lower Material Costs: Local production reduces shipping and import expenses.

Reduced Installation Time: Ready availability of materials means faster project completion.

Long-Term Savings: The durability of Pacecourt systems translates to lower maintenance and replacement costs over time.

Pacecourt's systems achieve an excellent balance between value and affordability, although exact pricing is dependent upon project specifics. This is because, although cost estimates are regularly provided to customers, necessary information enables them to decide based on personal budget constraints and desired outcomes without rushing.

Environmental Responsibility:

Pacecourt dedicated to reducing the environmental effects of its products.

Low VOC Formulations: All acrylic coatings water-based with low volatile organic compound content, reducing harmful emissions during installation and curing.

Local Sourcing: Using locally sourced materials wherever possible, Pacecourt reduces transportation-related carbon emissions.

Recycling Initiatives: The company is developing programs to recycle old court surfaces, aiming to reduce waste and promote sustainability in the sports infrastructure industry.

Ongoing Research: Pacecourt's R&D team is continually exploring ways to incorporate recycled materials into their products without compromising performance.

For 11 years, Pacecourt has involved in many major projects in India. While specific names cannot given without permission, here are some typical examples:

National Training Center Upgrade: A principal badminton training facility in North India decided to replace its existing clay courts with an updated cushioned acrylic surface from Pacecourts to raise player performance and increase playing time.

Goto Okler to know more.

Multi-Sport Complex in Mumbai: Pacecourt's outdoor courts installed with a non-cushioned system, which endured intensive use as well as monsoon conditions for more than 6 years with little maintenance.

School Sports Facility in Bangalore: We use the cushioned Pacecourt system because it is safe. This way all ages of kids will feel fine like adults thus minimizing injury when they fall to the ground.

Outdoor Flooring For Badminton Court

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With 11 years of experience in the industry and a network of expert dealers all over the country, Pacecourt has become a leading provider of synthetic acrylic flooring products for Outdoor Flooring For Badminton Court in India. This has achieved by constantly coming up with new ideas, delivering top-notch items, and knowing the needs of the residents of different areas very well. Pacecourt provides a full package for making good badminton courts in India, especially considering that they possess 11 years of experience coupled with a team covering all areas in the whole of India.

If one is constructing a new court or upgrading one that exists, the synthetic acrylic systems of Pacecourt blend performance, durability, and economy well. Going for Pacecourt is not just a playing field, but also an Indian badminton future that one invests in.

Getting in touch with the Pacecourt team will give you a chance to know more about just how it can help change your badminton court project. Allow us to make world-class courts that will support the community all through a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Question

Why is acrylic flooring a good choice for outdoor badminton courts?

Acrylic flooring is an excellent choice for outdoor badminton courts due to its durability, low maintenance, and excellent performance. The multiple layers of acrylic resin create a robust surface that can withstand heavy use and harsh weather conditions. The smooth, non-porous surface resists dirt and moisture, making it easy to clean and maintain. Additionally, acrylic flooring provides excellent traction and cushioning, enhancing player safety and performance by reducing the risk of slips and minimizing the impact on joints.

How does the cost of installing acrylic flooring compare to other materials?

While the initial installation cost of acrylic flooring may be higher than some alternatives like asphalt or concrete, it is generally more affordable than premium options such as polyurethane or wooden courts. The long-term cost-effectiveness of acrylic flooring comes from its durability and low maintenance requirements. The surface remains in good condition for many years with minimal repairs, which helps offset the initial investment. This makes acrylic flooring a budget-friendly option over the lifespan of the court.

5 things you need to know about badminton courts

Badminton is undoubtedly a fun, empowering and energetic sport that everyone enjoys. People tend to love it because it can be played both outdoors and indoors. This means that there are no restrictions on playing badminton. Outdoor badminton courts are prefered since it's in the open air and more close to the nature. 

It is essential to know all the basics before playing a particular sport. The reason for this is that this is how you become completely engrossed in the sport and fully master all aspects of the game. Before positioning yourself as a professional badminton player, read on to better understand the game.


1. What is the size of a badminton net?

The net divides the court/playing area into two equal parts, one for each player. The quality and mesh of the net is very good. The net is placed between two poles to keep it straight, stiff and firm. The depth of the badminton net is 760mm, while the width is 6.1m (minimum). The court surface and the top of the net are approximately 1.524m from the center. from the sideline, this distance is 1.55m for a doubles match. the end of the poles and the end of the net are perfectly aligned side by side. This means that there is no gap between the two. 


2. What are the dimensions of a badminton court?

Badminton court dimensions include the length, width and height of the badminton court. The court is rectangular in shape and a badminton net is divided into two parts by a divider. The professional court is 13.4 m long and 6.1 m wide. For singles matches, the width is slightly smaller than usual at 5.18 m. The boundaries of the court are marked with white or yellow distinguishing lines. They are about 40 mm wide. 

Badminton players use the back boundary line as the long service line, while the uprights are placed on the side lines of the court. Another distinct line is marked between the net line and the long service line for short service. The distance between the same line and the back dividing line is about 1.98 m. The total length of the court diagonal is 14.366 m.


3. What is the difference between outdoor badminton courts and indoor badminton courts?

Except for the different spatial locations, the markings and all other badminton court dimensions, as well as the rules and regulations are the same for both types of courts. However, the badminton court flooring varies from indoor to outdoor badminton. Synthetic and rubber flooring courts are usually used for indoor courts. Wooden floors are equally suitable for both types of badminton. Cement flooring is the least popular outdoor and indoor badminton court flooring because it does not provide any absorption and stability to the player's movements.  


4. What are the different types of courts?

From a player's point of view, the badminton court floor or surface is the most important. Since it directly affects the player's performance, there are four types of courts depending on the types of flooring.

a) Cement Ground Courts

These are usually seen in outdoor badminton tournaments such as parks. This is not suitable for daily play as it does not provide shock absorption and hence can lead to knee injuries. 

b) Rubber Floor

These courts have rubber flooring in the form of mats. They are used for indoor badminton courts. They are easy to maintain and they provide relatively good shock absorption.

c) Wooden Floor Courts

They have the natural ability to absorb shocks. Wooden floors are well known and recommended by local sports federations. They are widely used for badminton matches but they have the disadvantage of getting wet due to sweat. This makes the wooden floors slippery for badminton players.

d) Synthetic flooring 

Badminton courts with synthetic floors are the most popular and are best suited for large tournaments and championships such as the Olympics. These floors have a wooden base underneath. They are best suited for bouncing and are highly non-slip. A non-slip surface is a key feature that any player can demand. This prevents players from knee injuries because the pressure on the knees is greatly reduced on such courts. It is also available in two types.

e)  PVC Courts

They are non-slip and come in the form of mats that are easily placed on a wooden base. PVC mats are divided into three layers, including a lower, middle and top mat.

f)  Acrylic Pitch

Compared to PVC mats, acrylic mats are cheaper; therefore they are economical. They are available in different colors and are also widely used for other sports. They also have anti-slip properties, but their shock absorption properties are not as good as PVC mats. 


5. How to maintain the outdoor badminton courts?

Maintaining the court is not a daunting task, but it should be done regularly to prolong its life and improve efficiency. Some tips and tricks related to maintenance are shared below. 

&#; To increase the grip of your feet, you must apply a non-slip coating from time to time.

&#; Wear specially designed, non-marking shoes. 

&#; Over time, the course markings begin to fade. Make a note of them when needed.

&#; Mopping daily to remove dirt, sweat and sticky substances (such as tape and gum) is necessary. 

&#; Power sanding is necessary every 2-3 years to improve the life of your wood floors.

&#; To get a sparkling clean look, wipe the floor with silicone thinner or you can simply use vinegar. Simply add a few drops of them to the mopping solution.

&#; Use the wheels to move things around the court. Do not drag items, as dragging can cause scratches. It will eventually affect the smoothness of the surface.


Langning Sports is always ready for your inquiries or questions! Contact us to get more useful information on Outdoor badminton courts

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Synthetic Badminton Court Flooring.