A12 Marks Tey to Stanway reconstruction scheme is delayed

29 Apr.,2024


A12 Marks Tey to Stanway reconstruction scheme is delayed

The £37 million Marks Tey to Stanway reconstruction scheme on the A12 has been ongoing since October 2022.

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The end of the project was pencilled in for spring 2024, however, National Highways, which is in charge of the plans, has said the finish date has been pushed back following “a number of unexpected challenges”.

A spokesman said: “Since starting construction, we’ve encountered a number of unexpected challenges which have impacted our timelines.

“As a result of this, we’ll need to continue our work on the A12 between junction 25 Marks Tey and junction 26 Stanway into summer 2024.”

Bosses say the challenges have included adverse weather conditions and the discovery of “poor ground conditions” under the Colchester-bound carriageway.

“Before we started construction, we carried out extensive industry standard surveys”, the spokesman continued.

“Unfortunately, while our surveys were completed to current standards and using the correct methods, they can only give us an indication of the ground condition in the specific areas tested, rather than every inch of the road.

“This means it was only when we began digging up the Colchester-bound carriageway we uncovered these issues, and it became clear additional work was required to strengthen the foundations of the road.”

The Government agency said it understood the delay is “frustrating news” for motorists, and apologised for the inconvenience, adding it is “important work is carried out to the highest specification now to minimise long-term disruption for road users in the future”.

The spokesman finished by saying: “Please be assured we’re working hard to complete construction as quickly as possible.

“By building in additional time to account for these issues and the risk of further impact from anticipated poor weather conditions over the winter.

“We hope this update provides transparency so you’re able to plan ahead should our work continue past spring 2024 as previously expected.

“We’d like to thank you for your continued patience while we carry out this important work.”

National Highways has insisted once complete the project will see the A12 benefit from "improved safety, a smoother road surface and reduced noise.”

For more information, visit nationalhighways.co.uk/MarksTeytoStanway.

A12 Junction 25 to Junction 26 Reconstruction Scheme


Dear Mr Rees

Thank you for your email of 18 February 2024 requesting information about
our roadworks project on the A12 between junctions 25 and 26. We have
dealt with your request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information
Act 2000.

You asked:

Dear National Highways Limited,

I write to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the
progress of the Junction 25 to Junction 26 resurfacing scheme.

Would you be able to provide the following information:

• The start date of the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme • The original
completion date set when the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme began • The
estimated end date of the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme as of Feb 1,
2024 • The estimated cost of the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme when
work first began • The estimated cost of the J25 to J26 reconstruction
scheme as of Jan 1, 2024 • The total length of road (in miles) from J25 to
J26 which will be reconstructed by the end of the project • The length of
road (in miles) from J25 to J26 which had been successfully reconstructed
as of Jan 1, 2024

Yours faithfully,

We hold the requested information and respond as follows:

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit a12 construction.

 1. The start date of the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme

17 October 2022

 2. The original completion date set when the J25 to J26 reconstruction
scheme began

February 2024

 3. The estimated end date of the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme as of
Feb 1, 2024

August 2024.

 4. The estimated cost of the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme when work
first began


 5. The estimated cost of the J25 to J26 reconstruction scheme as of Jan
1, 2024


 6. The total length of road (in miles) from J25 to J26 which will be
reconstructed by the end of the project

4.1 miles (2.05 miles in each direction).

 7. The length of road (in miles) from J25 to J26 which had been
successfully reconstructed as of Jan 1, 2024

2.05 miles

Further advice and assistance

We had originally expected work to finish this spring but difficult ground
conditions, requiring more extensive treatment than originally envisaged,
and extended periods of poor weather have contributed to delays. This has
also contributed towards the additional overall cost.

The estimated end completion in all our current communications is summer
2024. Whilst we can’t provide an exact date for completion because poor
weather, incidents and other as yet unknown construction factors may
change it, we currently expect to be able to fully reopen the A12 to
traffic before the August bank holiday.

If you are not satisfied with your response you may ask for an internal
review within 40 working days of receiving the response, by replying to
this email. You can learn more about the internal review process
at [1]https://nationalhighways.co.uk/media/a14....

If you require a print copy, please phone our Customer Contact Centre on
0300 123 5000; or email [2][email address]. You should contact
me if you wish to complain.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted
at [3]https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/ or via the address below –

            Information Commissioner’s Office
            Wycliffe House
            Water Lane
            SK9 5AF

If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please
remember to quote reference number FOI/7545 in any future communications.


Kind regards

Operations East  



Visible links
1. https://nationalhighways.co.uk/media/a14...
2. mailto:[email address]
3. https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/

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