What Does An Air Mattress Do?

02 Sep.,2024


What Does An Air Mattress Do?

Air mattresses can range in their capabilities. You can find standard models that will provide a basic level of comfort, but you can also find yourself a really high-spec air mattress that offers different air pressures and movements throughout the mattress.

Goto Changyuan to know more.

Air mattresses vary a lot in what they offer, but what exactly is it that they do?

What Are Air Mattresses Used For?

Air mattresses are primarily used to prevent pressure injuries from occurring.

Pressure is a big concern in all areas of healthcare, but particularly with elderly people who spend a lot of time sat or laid down. These kinds of pressure injuries are called decubitus ulcers.

Pressure ulcers and sores are caused when the skin and underlying tissues are starved of oxygen. Especially with bony parts of our body (elbows, the posterior, heels, and even the back of the head), it&#;s easier for blood flow to decrease to those areas when we&#;re in the same position for several hours every day.

When the blood flow decreases, less oxygen reaches our skin cells. This means that the skin cells begin to die and pressure sores form in their place.

How Do Air Mattresses Help?

Air mattresses are designed to prevent pressure sores from occurring in the first place. They are often referred to as anti-decubitus mattresses.

By using different motions and patterns, the air flow actually stops the build-up of pressure taking place. Consequently, this slows down any pressure injuries taking hold and promotes better circulation in vulnerable areas of the body.

Air mattresses can provide pressure relief or pressure redistribution.

Who Is Most At Risk Of Pressure Ulcers?

People who are bedbound, or spend a lot of time sat down and are unable to adjust their positioning are most at risk of developing pressure injuries. Additionally, elderly people are at risk because their skin is more fragile, and can break down faster.

Pressure Relief

Pressure relief in air mattresses specifically targets high-pressure parts of the body and reduces the amount of pressure in those sections. For example, you may find that someone feels a lot of pressure on their shoulder blades, calves, and elbows when laid in bed; the air mattress can be configured to have less air (and therefore less pressure) in sections where the shoulder blades, calves, and elbows lay.

Anti-decubitus mattresses that deliver excellent pressure relief often contain foam as well. This gives the user more flexibility and comfort when using the mattress for a long time.

The Somlent Serene is a great example of this, offering both comfort and pressure relief.

Pressure Redistribution

This is a slightly different method used in some air mattresses, by which the user&#;s body weight is redistributed by alternately inflating rows of cells. These are called alternating-air mattresses. The continuous movement of air keeps redistributing pressure and decreases the chance of pressure ulcers forming on bony, rigid parts of the body.

What Are Alternating Air Mattresses Used For?

Alternating air pressure mattresses are usually used to treat advanced ulcers such as Grade 3 and Grade 4 pressure ulcers.

They provide constant pressure relief to the patient, and reduce the need for the carer to manually reposition the patient.

Air mattresses mould to the person&#;s body shape and the air cells in areas with more pressure are deflated to reduce the chance of injury over a prolonged time.

One of the best methods of pressure redistribution is low-pressure therapy. This means that the mattress has constantly low air pressure circulating throughout, which spreads the person&#;s body weight. The Somlent Genius mattress utilises low-pressure therapy and is incredibly comfy.

What Is A Hybrid Mattress?

The hybrid mattress is a preferred option for some who need higher pressure relief than a foam mattress gives but don&#;t want the vibration of a full air mattress.

Hybrid mattresses combine the foam and air systems with a unique cell structure. The foam in the cells reduce the vibrations of the pump, yet still provide the air flow needed to support the patient. They are designed for patients who are at high risk of pressure sores, but still have a degree of mobility.

Our range of Opera beds offer the full fleet of pressure mattresses, including the Impulse Hybrid mattress.

What Is Pressure Mapping?

Pressure mapping is an advanced technology that provides a visual representation of the pressure points created. The patient lies on a pressure-sensitive mat which sends readings to a computer, and creates a 3D &#;map&#; of the pressure distribution with different colours. This helps health professionals determine where the areas of high pressure are (typically coloured red or orange) and create a strategy to redistribute pressure more effectively.

This technology also helps prove the efficacy of different mattresses. Pressure-mapping trials have been carried out on Innova&#;s range of Somlent hybrid mattresses, read more about this here.


The key function of an air mattress is to prevent pressure sores, but there is a wide range available depending on the degree of pressure relief required.

You can view our range of Opera beds and mattresses at our showroom, or arrange a visit from one of our qualified assessors to review your needs and specify the right solution for you.

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Air Bed Advantages Disadvantages: Opinions from Experts

Air bed advantages and disadvantages differ from each point of view. However, using one saves you the trouble of looking for something to lie down to anytime, anywhere. An air bed is handy and easy to inflate.

Consider an air bed's advantages and disadvantages before buying one. Gauge yourself whether you need this stuff or not. See for yourself its pros and cons by reviewing some of its aspects.

Air Bed Advantages Disadvantages

You need to review a product&#;s rating before purchasing it. The product review serves as a gauge of consumer experience in using the actual item. When buying an air bed, ensure that it serves its purpose best.

The air bed or air mattress has to meet your standards. The material must be durable enough to withstand pressure and minor scratches. Don't waste money on something that easily breaks.

Identify its pros and cons. Every item has a downside. However, weighing things out helps you decide before purchasing a product.

An air bed offers comfort. However, it&#;s fragile in terms of puncture. Look into its setback and check whether it&#;s worth the price.

Air bed advantages and disadvantages make it hard to decide before buying one. Think first before you proceed. Evaluate the situation and avoid rush decisions.


Easy To Use

An air bed is practically easy to operate. Just lay it on the ground and pump some air up. Whether camping or serving a visitor for an extra bed, an air bed's easy to install. Simply deflate the air bed and roll it back after using it.

Prevents Pressure Sores

The benefits of air mattress for pressure sores prevent its development. An egg crate design allows spaces for skin contact. It evenly distributes pressure while exposing some of the skin&#;s surface area.

You can also set a timer for inflation and deflation to balance the pressure on both sides. The benefits of air bed for patients' safety avoid the development of pressure sores.

Promotes Back Relaxation


Are air mattresses good for your back? They surely do. Air bed or air mattresses relaxes your back. It saves you the hassle of lying on a hard surface like a traditional mattress.

Air mattresses straighten your back with minimal pressure while offering a soft texture. You can sleep well while at the same time maintaining proper back posture. Air mattresses promote back relaxation.

Space Saver

An air bed saves space. The flexibility of an air bed enables you to place it anywhere. You can set it up on any vacant space and tuck it back when not used. Just fold it and hide it somewhere to free up space.


Air beds are affordable and are much cheaper than traditional beds. If you want to save money, try considering using an air bed.

It saves up space and resources. Its affordable price and space-saving feature make it ideal for minimalists.


An air mattress's design allows it to withstand pressure. Unless you buy a fake one, an air mattress can hold up to its maximum capacity. The best air mattress for long term use is ideal for camping and outdoor activities.


Poor Temperature Control

Medical-grade air beds are comfortable for patient use. However, some air beds offer poor temperature control. The vinyl synthetic material traps the temperature outside.

Summer feels very hot while in winter, you feel cold. Extra linens make a barrier between your skin and the air bed to provide comfort.

Causes Improper Body Alignment

Lying on an air bed relaxes your back. However, daily use can lead to back curvature because of a lack of support. Since air beds have a soft texture, supporting your body to make it straight becomes a problem.

Some air beds are firm but sacrifice comfort in exchange. These ensure proper body alignment. However, lying down reduces your comfort. Thus, using a softer air bed comes first when comfort is a must.

At Risk For Puncture


For more inflatable air mattressinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Air beds are at risk for puncture. No matter how durable it is, getting punctured is a setback. The rubberized nature of an air bed makes it vulnerable to sharp objects.

How long does an air mattress last if used everyday? If something punctures it, all you can do is patch it up.

Motion Transfer

Sleeping on an air bed with someone makes the bed movable. The motion transfer of the other person moves. You will have difficulty sleeping with a partner using an air bed.

Your sleep will be interrupted because of motion transfer. Thus, making it ideal for single use. If you want to sleep with your partner, be prepared to be jolted by movement.


Although air mattresses are cost-effective, they have shorter warranty periods. You need to take good care of your air mattress once its warranty expires. Follow the basic steps of taking care of your air mattresses and keep them functional.

Explosive Bursts

Air beds are composed of durable materials. However, suffering from explosive bursts is common if an air bed exceeds its capacity. Never overload and keep it away from sharp things.

The dangers of sleeping on an air mattress can be avoided by avoiding these things. Ensure safety and avoid explosive bursts. Refer to the manual and maintain a safe ground.

How To Choose An Air Mattress?

The best air mattress offers comfort and relaxation. Check these tips on how to choose an air mattress. Save your money and spend it for your convenience.


Check an air mattress&#;s durability before purchasing one. The best air mattress for long-term use is made of high-quality materials. Take note of the kind of material and look at its product reviews.

Durability comes first when choosing an air mattress. The air mattress should compensate for your weight and withstand pressure.


Pick something that fits the size of your floor. If you need a bigger one, consider the surface area. Will it fit your room? Is it good for single or double use? Choose single-size air mattresses for single use and super queen-size air mattresses for family use.


These are some things you should consider when choosing the size of an air mattress. Make sure that it keeps up with your size. A comfortable sleeping position is essential when using an air mattress.


An air mattress must be handy and easy to keep. One of the advantages of an air mattress is its flexibility. You can use it anywhere you like. A lighter and durable mattress makes it easier to carry around.

Move around and bring your air mattress. Go out for a picnic or set camp. Bring your air mattress and relax with comfort.

Wear And Tear

A typical air mattress lasts about 2-8 years. This depends on how you take care of it. Avoid overloading and keep it away from pointed objects.

Follow the air mattress&#;s manual and avoid danger. Take care of it and enjoy it in its comfort. The wear and tear of an air mattress depends on how you use it.

Tips For Sleeping On An Air Mattress

Buying an air mattress is not the end. You need to know how to use it properly. Use these tips for sleeping on an air mattress and relax with convenience.

Use A Top Sheet

A top sheet provides an additional cushion between your skin and the air mattress. This offers more comfort and keeps your body from getting warm or cold.

An air mattress absorbs heat and cold in the environment. Without something to cover it up, your body will suffer from heat and cold. Use a top sheet to protect your skin and sleep comfortably.

Ensure A Safe Environment

An air mattress is at risk for puncture. Thus, maintaining a safe environment away from sharp objects is essential. If possible, put a rug underneath for extra protection.

The rug protects the air mattress against debris that might scratch or puncture it. Place paddings on the wall and create a smooth surface. Ensure a safe environment while enjoying comfort.

Make It Feel Permanent


Some people consider an air mattress as an artificial bed. It makes for an easygoing mindset. Make your air mattress feel permanent and take care of it.

Have The Right Mindset

The right mindset is key to sleeping comfortably on an air mattress. Think of nothing else but comfort and relaxation. Lie down in peace and take a rest.

Air Bed vs Foam Mattress

The difference between an air bed vs foam mattress primarily depends on the type of material. Air beds are made from rubber and other textiles that offer good support. On the other hand, foam mattresses are made from foam.

While foam mattresses are more common, an air bed offers better comfort. Foam mattresses feel warm on the back. You&#;ll suffer from sweating at night time.

Foam mattresses also lose their shape over time. The original thickness of a foam mattress wears off with constant use. On the contrary, an air bed maintains its shape as long as it&#;s fully inflated.

An air bed is better than a foam mattress. It&#;s cheap and more convenient. The only thing to watch out for is getting punctured.


An air bed has advantages and disadvantages. The way you use it affects its wear and tear. An air bed offers comfort but is at risk for puncture.

It&#;s economical and lasts about 2-8 years. It's convenient and you can bring it anywhere.

Air beds or air mattresses are effective in providing comfort with convenience. These are some of the most common things that you need to know about air beds.


Is an Air Bed Good for Daily Use?

An air bed is good for daily use. It offers comfort and convenience. Relax your back and sleep tight using an air bed.

Is an Air Bed Better than Mattress?

An air bed is better than a mattress. A mattress loses its form over time. However, an air bed maintains its structure provided that it&#;s fully inflated.

Are Air Beds Comfortable?

Air beds are comfortable. The soft texture of its material creates a comfortable sensation when lying down. Air beds make you fall asleep at ease.

How Long Should an Air Bed Last?

Air beds last for about 2-8 years. Proper maintenance prolongs its wear and tear status. Follow its manual and enjoy its maximum usage.

Can Air Mattress Burst?

Air mattresses can burst especially when punctured with pointed objects. Keep it away from danger and avoid overloading. These are some of the most common reasons why an air mattress bursts.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Mattress Bed.