Top 10 best creatures in JWTG (My Opinion) - Jurassic Park Wiki

13 May.,2024


Top 10 best creatures in JWTG (My Opinion) - Jurassic Park Wiki

Hello everyone welcome to the first Top 10 we are but before we start this is my opinion so yours can be different from mine so let us start the list.

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10. Stegoceratops



This is one of the creatures that is cool looking for me and it has decent stats, pretty good health and decent damage.

9. Suprannotitan



This is the best Super Rare Hybrid you can get and at Level 20 it is stronger than Rexy at Level 31. good health and high damage.

8. Zalmoxes



This is one of the strongest tournament creature with weak health but really good attack.

7. Metriacanthosaurus



This is the strongest tournament dino in the game it sucks at health but nice in damage.

6. Apatosaurus



Although this dino sucks in attack it has awesome health more than a Priotrodon.

5. Tanycolagreus



This creature has decent damage and high health even higher than Indominus speaking of that.

4. Indominus Rex



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This creature was the OG hybrid king although it has been dethroned it is still one of the better hybrids to get if you want something cheap

3. Metriaphodon



This creature has the second most damage only behind Indoraptor and it can nearly kill itself in one hit.

2. Yudon



This creature is very good in damage and this will surprise you it has more health than Indoraptor :o

Honorable Mentions



Now before we reveal number 1 we have some honorable mentions but I will not describe them :/








And finally Dimetrocarnus

1. Indoraptor



This creature is the king of JWTG it has the highest damage it can do and 10K and with that you got the king of JWTG. But hold on because we have a Number 0 spot though there is something better than Indoraptor.

0. Triceratops



This creature although it has bad stats it is the real king because this creature is the key to success and it the best dino in the game

So that is it for my blog post so I am signing off goodbye.

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