The Benefits of an Electric Motorcycle

10 Jun.,2024


The Benefits of an Electric Motorcycle

Increasing concerns over oil accessibility, cost, and carbon emissions have driven serious growth in the electric motorcycle market. In the electric scooters and motorcycles market was valued at 2 billion USD and is expected to grow to 3.5 billion USD by .

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This shift towards sustainable transportation has prominent motorcycle brands and auto companies stepping up their electric vehicle game. Electric motorbikes, once an extremely niche market, are now revving up mainstream appeal.

What is an Electric Motorcycle?

An electric motorcycle is similar to a gas-powered motorcycle, but it runs on an electric engine as opposed to a conventional gas-powered engine. Instead of burning gasoline, an electric motorcycle uses electricity as fuel, just like an electric car.

Gas-powered vehicles have long been a staple of modern society, and the switch to electric power can be intimidating. Many people wonder:

  • How does an electric motorcycle work?
  • Can an electric motorcycle go fast?
  • Is it safe?
  • How do you &#;re-fill&#; it?

The electricity powering an electric motorcycle comes from rechargeable batteries. The battery is an essential component of the motorcycle, powering the electric engine, which is much smaller and simpler than the engine in a conventional motorcycle.

Similar to traditional motorcycles, electric motorcycles use different components to transfer power from the engine to the wheels. Traditional gas-powered motorcycles use parts like a cylinder, piston, clutch, gas tank, and exhaust to move the gas through the process of powering the motorcycle. An electric motorcycle does not have any of these parts. Instead, the chain and sprockets are essential elements to transfer power through the motorcycle.

Starting and running the engine requires a charged battery. This process can take one to three hours and is very similar to charging electric car batteries.

What are the Benefits of an Electric Motorcycle?

Many motorcycle lovers enjoy the vibrations and loud noise associated with a gas-powered motorcycle. Electric motorcycles do not offer these sensations; however,there are many benefits of using an electric motorcycle.

Low Emissions

Electric motorcycles are environmentally friendly, emitting no exhaust. Electric motorcycles produce zero emissions and so do not contribute to smog or carbon emissions.

Low noise

Combustion engines are loud, and many motorcycle owners enjoy the loud sounds of a motorcycle; however, low noise is a benefit for many. Electric motorcycles are almost silent, making them an attractive alternative for people living in quieter areas or who desire a noiseless ride.

Low Running Costs

Initial costs of owning an electric motorcycle may be the same or more than a gas-powered motorcycle. The ongoing costs of owning and maintaining an electric motorcycle are lower, offering an overall savings when choosing an electric option.

Easy to Ride

Electric motorcycles are lightweight and easier to ride than their conventional counterparts. Traditional motorcycles are extremely heavy and challenging to ride. This ease of use opens up a whole new transportation option for those who would never consider a gas-powered motorcycle.

Instant Torque and Power

Gas-powered engines take longer to reach peak power and torque. In contrast, electric motors can instantly get peak power and torque from 0 RPM and maintain a more consistent torque and power throughout the ride.

Low Maintenance

Electric motorbikes have a simpler motor, which includes fewer components such as air filters, spark plugs, oil, and other parts to repair and maintain. Going electric is going to get you a much lower maintenance vehicle. This is also helpful to your wallet, as owners spend less time and money on service and repairs.

E-Motorcycles are Fun

Quieter and void of the vibrations of traditional motorcycles, electric motorcycles are fun to ride. They still provide the wind in your hair, sun on your face, and freedom of a conventional motorcycle ride. Just without the overwhelming noise or damage to the environment.

One feature that makes an e-motorcycle a fun ride is the ease of use. Many people who would never attempt to operate a gas-powered motorcycle can hop on an electric motorcycle with no problem.

Electric motorcycles allow you to go to places cars cannot travel. E-motorcycles open up a whole new world of fun for many people.

Want more information on electric motorcycle charging? Feel free to contact us.

China is Leading in the Manufacturing of E-motorcycles

China&#;s market for two-wheeled electric vehicles, including electric motorcycles, is very mature, making China a major producer of e-motorcycles worldwide. The Jiangsu province of China is actually the global leader in manufacturing and developing electric motorcycles, selling to over 50 million people across 80 countries through a network of 35,000+ retailers worldwide.

China&#;s electric motorbike market also leads the way in innovative new charging solutions for riders. This innovative leadership includes new wireless charging development and a battery-swapping service helping riders swap batteries in seconds instead of charging for hours.

If you&#;re in the market for an electric ride, don&#;t overlook the bikes from China. Electric motorcycle manufacturers in China have a wide selection of brands for the savvy consumer.

DOFA Electric Bike

The many benefits of using an electric motorcycle are constantly developing. For example, innovations for faster charging and battery swapping are in the works among manufacturers. It is safe to say electric vehicles are here to stay. The electric motorcycle is a great place to start if you are thinking about trying out an electric vs. a gas-powered motorcycle.

At DOFA we offer a wide range of electric bikes, including e-motorcycles. As a young, ambitious Chinese manufacturer, we are proud to be part of the larger global market to help lead the way in the electric motorcycle market. We are based in the city of Wuxi, renowned as the global center of the electric bike manufacturing industry. Our motorcycles are high-tech and cost-effective, and we strive to meet your needs with our products and services.

Chongqing Has A Pioneering Advantage in Electric ...

Chongqing- This year's electric motorcycle exhibitors significantly increased, challenging the status of fuel motorcycles, according to the 20th China International Motorcycle Trade Exhibition (CIMAMotor ) in Southwest China Chongqing Municipality on November 2.

CIMAMotor has been held annually since and has become the world's largest and most important event for commuter motorcycles after continuous development.

Representatives of motorcycle enterprises, government officials, investors, and e-commerce platforms gathered in the mountain city of Chongqing to share insights on the electric motorcycle industry development trend.

Electric motorcycles are worth the investment

"The electric motorcycle market has a huge prospect, worth strong investment," said Gong Hui, executive vice president of Loncin Motor Co., Ltd. "Under the Dual Carbon goals, the motorcycle industry continues to improve the efficiency of traditional fuel motorcycles while also expanding to new energy."

In , motorcycle sales in China amounted to 20.2 million units, of which electric motorcycles accounted for 20%. Due to the influence of the national emission standards, 150 million motorcycles exceeding the bar will be transferred to the electric market from to , further expanding the electric motorcycle industry.

"Behind the rising electric motorcycle is consumers' value and requirements changing," said Cui Jian, general manager of Chongqing Summit Yttrium Chen Electromechanical Co., Ltd. "The electric motorcycle, with speed, passion, and environmentally friendly, is desirable to young people, and the post- generation will become the primary target."

Another exhibitor deemed that commercial demand like expressage and delivery laid the foundation for the electric motorcycle market.

The popularity of sharing electric motorcycles has also changed the low-end inherent in people's minds, with lithium battery technology and material innovation creating a new growth point.

Chongqing enterprise representing China for IMAE in Milan

Some participants believe that Chongqing has a pioneering advantage in the electric motorcycle industry.

Cheng Yao, vice president of the Chongqing Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that as an essential motorcycle production base in China, Chongqing has leading electric motorcycle enterprises such as Emma, Yadi, and TAILG.

In , Emma entered Chongqing with an annual output of 3 million units valued at over 10 billion yuan (about 1.4 billion U.S. dollars). In , Yadi settled in Yongchuan District, with an annual sales volume of 1.5 million units. In , TAILG will invest 2 billion yuan to build a new energy industry base in Dazu District, generating 11 billion yuan annually.

Zongshen Motorcycle, Loncin Motor, and other well-known local motorcycle enterprises have launched new products this year, promoting the growth of the Chongqing electric motorcycle industry.

"Thanks to China's market scale and technology accumulation, electric motorcycles have become the dominant field of independent motorcycle brands, boosting international competitiveness," said Cui Jian, General Manager at Chongqing Everest Yttrium Power Technology Co., Ltd.

Cui continued, "a few years ago, our company began to export to Europe and the United States. On November 8, we will represent China participating in the International Motorcycle and Accessories Exhibition (IMAE) in Milan."

An investor expressed that Chongqing benefits from a solid industry foundation and government support. It is expected to attract more industrial capital for the industrial chain, new consumption, and new retail.

Relaxing restrictions on product and road access

However, the development of electric motorcycles will not be smooth sailing always.

Gong pointed out that with comparable performance, the cost of an electric motorcycle could be 30% to 50% higher than that of a fuel motorcycle.

Meanwhile, the motorcycle is small and requires high technology of motorcycle battery. Besides being affected by national and local policies, relaxing restrictions on product and road access are necessary.

"As a leader in electric motorcycles, Chongqing needs to focus on products, services, supply chain, and industry chain, especially discard the low-quality competition, to enhance the industry's value through high-quality development," said Sun Muchu, chief executive officer of TAILG.

"Consumers present diverse demands, such as the pursuit of high-end, entertainment, or personalized products," said Ma Yuanyuan, partner of Shengshi Investment Co. Ltd. "Low-demand customers only need motorcycles for commuting. Enterprises need to find their positioning in the market to develop differentiation."

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