The Beginner's Guide to Mastering Crane Games

15 Jul.,2024


The Beginner's Guide to Mastering Crane Games

Crane games, also known as claw machines or UFO catchers in Japan, are arcade games where you maneuver the claw to try and win a prize, usually either by grabbing it or knocking it off a ledge. A mix of skill and chance, often the thrill of getting the prize beats the prize itself (at least for me).

Want more information on japanese claw machines? Feel free to contact us.

To be honest, for the longest time I never really bothered to play these machines, thinking they were rigged and just ate money. But I was proven wrong last summer, when I played one on a whim and actually won a prize! Since then I have been on a mission to master them, and here is what I have garnered so far.

Play crane games remotely for free

To avoid blowing too much money, I recommend first practicing remotely using the Taito Crane app. While nothing beats playing in real life at an arcade, it really helps you get a feel of how the claws move and grip.

The Taito Crane app has practice machines you can play for free, as well as machines you can actually win a prize and they will ship it to you (within Japan). While you need tickets or Taito Coins to play the prize machines, you can get three free play tickets if you install the app through the link below and register your number:

Main types of crane games

Three-arm claw

The most fundamental crane game of all, known as 3&#;&#; in Japanese. You move a three-arm claw to grab the prize and drop it into the opening. There are two main types of claws: The UFO Catcher Triple (shown below) and the Deka-Kure (&#;&#;&#;&#;), which is a thinner, twisty type claw. There are also various setups for the &#;get zone.&#; Some only have an square opening in the corner, while the smaller (easier) ones can have the entire front section as an opening.

Strategy: The first thing to know about these machines is that are almost all &#;&#;&#;[kakuritsu-ki]. This means that the claw is designed to be weak/let go until a certain &#;payout&#; value, when it will grip tightly until the opening. Nobody knows what value that is, it could be 20 plays or 60 plays, depending on the arcade and machine.

Since you will likely go bankrupt if you rely on the payout all the time, the key to these machines is either to 1) wedge the claw in a gap or tag or, 2) study how the claw drops the prize, so that you can grip it in such a way that it falls, or moves gradually, toward the opening. The smaller crane machines may be easier than the big ones, as the distance from the claw to the prize is less and therefore easier to estimate. The prize is also much smaller and lighter, improving your chances of getting a good grip.

However, the larger ones often allow you to make use of a &#;stop&#; function by pressing the button again while it is descending. This essentially tells to claw to stop its descent and grasp at that point. Many pro crane gamers utilise this function extensively to move the prize as desired or grab its tag.

There are also some variations, where the claw has two pincer-like arms rather than three prongs. These are even simpler to position as there is no twisting, just an open and shut grip. However, their arm power tends to be rather weak, and if the prize is heavy it may fail to move it much.

Forward drop

In &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; machines, the prize is resting at a forward front angle on bars or a ledge, and the aim is to push it off.

Strategy: These are not meant to won in one play, but rather over a few calculated movements. Rather than attempting to lift the prize:

  • Position the claw near the middle-front and off to a side to gradually turn it diagonally.
  • Keep turning until front edge hangs off enough diagonally                  
  • Use claw to push down the corner protruding off the bar in the front

Drop through bars

The aim of &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; machines is to drop the prize through the bars it is resting on. The prize is commonly in the shape of a rectangular box (figurine), a cylinder, or a plushie.

Strategy: The strategy differs slightly depending on the shape of the prize. Like the forward drop, these are not meant to won in one play but over a few movements. If the prize is rectangular, the general strategy is:

  • Grab at the prize from its middle and off slightly either left or right
  • (if the prize is resting flat) Grab at bottom edge leaning parallel on bar. Start from high up as claw may slide.                       
  • (flat) Once the bottom edge is leading delicately on bar, use the claw to push down OR go to the top and grab at it from off centre (the crane head should help to push it down)
  • (if the prize is on its side) Grab off centre multiple times until it turns almost flat or only a corner rests on bar. Then use same strategy as when it is flat.

For cylinders, you need to first create an angle, otherwise it will just keep rolling back and forth across the bars.

For plushies, the strategy is to grab at it off center to twist it into a position until the centre of mass is through the bars. You can also try to lift the entire thing and hope it drops in a favourable position. Once there, you use the claw to push it down.

Hanging prize&#;

There are few variations to this type (&#;&#;&#;&#;) of crane game. The most common are a box suspended by two rings on its side with two other rings on the top (four ring box), or a prize dangling from a double ring configuration.

Strategy: For the four ring box, lift from the two top rings, with claw slightly toward the back and toward the direction of the wider bars (i.e. the claw&#;s home position). Then grab at a side ring until it moves into a delicate angle on the bar. Once there, use claw to push down the box, positioning it as close as possible to the delicately leaning side.


As its name suggests, this type of crane game involves using the claw to grab at a ring attached to the prize in order to pull it into the opening. I have never played this type of machine because the prize is usually some jumbo snack or figurine I have no interest in.

Corner balance drop&#;

The prize in &#;&#;&#;&#; crane games is usually a plushie or soft object resting in the corner of a L-shaped ledge. The aim is to push it over the ledge. Sometimes there is also a bar diagonally across the opening.

Strategy: First, use the claw to the roll the plushie off the platform. You can achieve this by grabbing the skinniest part (or the fattest part the claw can successfully extend around) of the plushie to turn it at angle so it hangs more and more off edge. Once the prize is resting delicately enough on the ledge/bar, use the claw to push it down (and away) from the platform repeatedly until it falls.

Takoyaki balls

In this machine you have a round tray full of ping pong ball sized-holes resembling a takoyaki pan (hence the name), and another bowl full of balls. The crab-shaped claw can only move left and right. You move the claw to the bowl full of balls and attempt to grab as many balls as possible. The claw will then automatically move to the takoyaki pan and drop the balls. If one ball falls into the prize hole (circled in red) then you get the prize.

Strategy: The more balls you can grab, the more chances one will make it into the prize hole. I don&#;t really like playing this machine type because it seems more akin to playing slots to me, where it is more due to luck rather than any involvement of skill. Maybe there is a way to position to claw to grab more balls, but it seems rather uncontrollable.

Interesting setups&#;

These type of games (&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;) feature random setups like a ball on chain you use to knock the prize off, or the prize resting on a balloon. Strategy obviously varies depending on setup, but most likely hinges on the general principles of centre of mass, how the prize falls, and gradually shifting into position.

Prizes won

Despite sounding like an avid gamer, I am nowhere near a pro either. I only go to arcades occasionally, and am still learning what works and what doesn&#;t. If you have better hacks, I&#;m happy to hear them. But here are the prizes I have won since August just playing casually.

Ebinyan Mofusand (3 plays)

The first prize I ever won at a UFO catcher was last summer, when I got this Ebinyan Mofusand plushie in 3 plays.

I had no real strategy except trying to grip the prize as securely as possible. It was kind of a fluke to be honest. But the thrill of it and dopamine hit from getting a prize set me off on a path to learn how to play these things properly. Especially since I still have yet to win a prize from the revered big crane machines.

Kirby (6 plays)

A few months later, I got this Kirby. My strategy was just to move Kirby to the opening bit by bit since I wasn&#;t sure how to grip it well. But I happened to grip it pretty well in the 6th play and it made it to the opening. Only thing is that it bounced into the machine below on the way down, so we had to call over a staff to retrieve it for us.

Mofusand x Sanrio (7 plays)

Have a soft spot for Mofusand since it was the first crane game prize I ever won. This one I played while trying to find somewhere warm while waiting for a dinner meetup.

Luigi pouch (1 play) + Cinnamoroll (1 play)

I got both of these after a week of practicing on the Taito Crane app, and I am happy to say it paid off!

Other wins

  • Foongus (1 play) &#; somebody had left it in a favourable upside down position to the right of the opening.
  • Sumikkogurashi (6 plays) &#; this one was won in a pincer-type machine
  • Namagaki Tsuburana Hitomi Japanese Restaurant (1 play) &#; This is a vibrating plushie!
  • Konezumi (4 plays)
  • Chiikawa (3 plays)
  • Mini axolotl keychain (9 plays)
  • Pompompurin (1 play)
  • Wooper Looper axolotl (12 plays)

Summary: General tips

  • If you are a beginner, you should first trying playing at the small claw machines. Some arcades even have labels showing which ones are easy to get.
  • For the big claw machines, you can ask staff to reposition the prize to its start position before playing. If you are adamant about getting the prize, you can also get the staff to put it in an easy-to-get position after you&#;ve spent a certain amount of money playing for it.
  • Many crane games are not meant to won in one play. So you could save some money by buying a set of plays. For example, some arcades offer 6 plays for 500 yen, essentially giving you a free play. You can also save money by scouring the machines and seeing which prizes other people may have already moved into a favourable position before they gave up.
  • With the possible exception of traditional crane games, using the claw to push down and/or gradually position the prize is more often the key than lifting it up randomly and hoping for the best. Although the latter can also work at times, if you are lucky enough to get the payout.
  • Some games are not worth it; the claw is too weak or the prize is cheap. Know when to walk away. Also, almost every prize can be found resold on Mercari if you really want it.

Not into crane games? Check out other gaming-related articles to see fun ways to spend time in Tokyo.

Everything you need to know about a Claw Machine

Since I was a little kid, I have always wanted to get my hands on that stuffed toy but that claw crane machine always got in the way.  I could never figure out how to hold on to the toy and if for once, I got hold of one, it wouldn&#;t stay in my grasp once I tried to pull it across to take it out of the machine.


That was the story of my childhood; my &#;TOY Story&#;. Now, what I thought more was how, someway, I could get one of those claw machines back home with me.


The popularity of claw machines has skyrocketed throughout the world, in general, and Asia in particular.   saw Taiwan go crazy over the prospect of Claw games and the craziness of claw machines was compared to nothing seen before.


What is a claw machine?

A claw machine, toy crane or claw crane is a type of game commonly found in Movie theatres, restaurants, Bowling alleys, shopping malls. Video arcades and supermarkets.


The most common claw machine is made up of a number of components but the basic parts include a power supply, joystick, a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), Currency Detector and a Claw. Most claws have three fingers but they could way from machine to machine.


A Medium Density Fiberboard is used at times to construct the cabinet. If you are looking for a cost effective alternative, the option of using an aluminum alloy for the cabinets is also available.


The transparent window at the front of the machine is usually made of glass but if you are looking for a less costly product, you could always go for acrylic.


Origin and History



This dynamic fun in a box toolkit called a crane claw machine has a pretty interesting history. Let&#;s find a bit about its origins. Quite interestingly, the idea behind a crane claw machine came from a steam shovel around a century ago. During the excavation of the Panama Canal, a steam shovel was used. The concept did shrink quite a bit from digging the earth to lifting stuff toys but that is how the foundation of this epic game was laid.


Initially, claw machines were more on the royalty side and included pretty serious prizes. Miami Digger, Panama Digger, and Erie Digger were the very first claw machines to be used. With the advancements in technology and the invention of electricity, the structure changed and so did the prizes. Cigar, silver coins, jewelry, lighters, and coin rolls were part of the prestigious gift section as pure gold cabinets replaced the cheaper ones.



It was regarded more as a luxury item rather than an ordinary entertainment tool. It was used as an attraction for Gamblers and got regarded as a gambling tool before legislation was passed against it in .


The legislation listed it in the gambling violation category that resulted in a complete shutdown on claw machines. Only a few were left untouched in some hotels and remote areas.


Mr. Lee Moss, an amusement company owner, who got a few other powerful sources together in an attempt to convince the government to accept the crane machine as amusement equipment, put efforts into place. This bore fruits and the government agreed to reach a compromise but that came with quite strict rules and regulations.


The claw machine was barred from using electricity and the coin acceptor could no longer be in place. This simply ended all, if any possibility of making income through the machines.


Early 80s then saw the rebirth of the claw machine as it started to crawl back towards its original destiny. Claw machines became an integral part of the Pizza Hut outlets and then spread across various industries.


The 90s saw a serious boom in the popularity of claw machines as the concept completely took over South East Asia. Japan and Korea led the popularity list as fans of claw crane machines. Within no time, these machines became more of a sensation and to some extent addiction in these areas.


Claw machine arcades in Singapore




What if claw machines were not an entertaining factor anymore or if stuffed toys were no more an attraction; it did not matter. The thrill of winning or losing did get to Southeast Asia and they wanted more and more of claw machines no matter what. Singapore saw a massive increase in the number of Arcades and many were loaded with UFO claw catchers. Let&#;s have a look at Singapore&#;s top Arcades for this purpose.


Play United


The &#;Play United&#; arcade has a huge fan base so it is quite common for it to be crowded with people but with the number of machines available here, you won&#;t have time to spare. The place offers you with 12 tokens if you spend $10 at once. And the best part is that, even if you don&#;t win any prizes, you will still be able to take away a free gift of your choice.


If you aim at the big guns and wish to get bigger prizes like drones, gadgets or part games, you can accumulate your little toys and exchange them for a bigger one as well. I guess now we all know why the place is so popular.


Pick a prize


If you are more into little or small gifts, this place will be a toy heaven for you. Filled with plushies and little key chains, you get to have loads of fun while you collect toys. If you don&#;t like the small prizes you won, you can even exchange them for a bigger price, provided you have at least 3 wins. The best part is that some toys here are from Toreba, which means they are directly imported from Japan. Play starts at $1.5 per game.


Ton Amusement


A Japanese themed Arcade, Ton Amusement is as amazing as it gets. Loaded with Japanese toys from Q Posket figurines to Plushies, even the electronics here give away a Japanese vibe and it is rocking.


Some of the prices include &#;Instant Noodles from Japan&#;. The best part is that you don&#;t feel bored if you are a regular customer here. The toys and prices are updated along with the new release of products in Japan. Price starts at $1 per turn.


Kiap Kiap


With a theme targeted towards couples in general and young couples in particular, Kiap kiap might be your dream place for Valentine&#;s Day outing or any other special day.


You get to attempt &#;kiapping&#; prizes for your couple. Once you&#;ve won, you get to take a picture in front of their Plushie wall and it is simply &#;cuteness overloaded&#;. The best part is that it&#;s not that expensive with prices starting at $2 for 6 tokens.



Cow Play Cow Moo


My favorite of the list has to be Cow Play Cow Moo. This Place is more of a &#;Claw Catcher&#; Paradise with over 100 claw catcher machines in place. No matter how many friends, family members or even neighbors you bring along with you, you will have ample space to play your favorite game, just the way you like it. Choose your price, take all the time you want to strategize and play with ease. There&#;s no need to rush.


An amazing thing about &#;Cow Play Cow Moo&#; is that some machines here have &#;Winners guaranteed&#; tag on them. This means that after a number of winless tries, you still get to take away a gift home.


If all of this wasn&#;t enough to &#;wow&#; you, the place also has a 4-meters tall claw machine with giant unicorn plushies.


Claw Couple SG


The best bit about this place is that two popular &#;claw machine catchers&#; run the place themselves. While running a YouTube account, they display all their toy-catching experiences with expert opinions about playing strategies. The prizes are updated regularly so you are not bored if you plan to be a regular visitor.


Fat Cat Arcade


If you are looking to have fun but are low on budget, Fat Cat Arcade is the place for you. The biggest arcade at the East end of Singapore, Fat Cat Arcade has prices as low as $0.16 per token (6 tokens for $1). And there are special discounts on Chinese New Year, Christmas Eve and other holidays, despite of this low price. The collection is also massive with 100 of the latest games available on the venue. You are guaranteed a good time while you are here.



How much does a claw machine cost?

Whether you are obsessed with a claw machine so much that you want to buy one for your home or you feel it is a good business opportunity to invest in one, you basically have two options at hand.  Firstly, you could go and rent one or if you have the bucks, why not buy one for good.


Either way, it might be a costly deal so you better be patient and not put all your bags in one basket.


Renting a full size big claw machine might turn out to be a costly deal. Roughly, a large claw machine might cost you above $US500 in rent for a day or two. This would include transportation and loading/unloading of heavy machinery. Installation costs would also be included in this. Understandably, your major clients would be big organizations; multinational companies or banks maybe, if you manage to land a deal that big.


Buying a Claw machine


The foremost thing to decide here is to figure out what your purpose for buying a claw machine is. If you are thinking about buying a new one, the claw machine price will vary depending on the size of the machine.


You can find a number of claw machines for sale at Amazon or eBay. You could find a claw machine for sale or a giant claw machine or a mini claw machine too. A tiny claw machine or mini claw machine as its called could cost you as low as $50. The price, however, for a giant money claw machine could be as high as $.Again, answer to the question of how much money is a claw machine worth varies depending on the size and structure of the machine.


If you don&#;t feel like investing too much and need a cheap price claw machine, you can easily find a claw machine for sale under $200. If you need a used claw machine for sale, you can get that type of a claw machine for sale $100 or even less.


Contact us to discuss your requirements of Arcade Coin Changer Factory. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

How to make a claw machine?

Understandably, if you feel that spending so much on renting or buying a claw machine is probably not your cup of tea, there is another option, why not make your own claw machine. You simply need a DIY claw machine manual and you would be ready to roar.  


The best part is that you don&#;t even need to find someone to help you learn the DIY procedure. Simply search for claw machine videos on YouTube or elsewhere and it would be extremely easy for you to learn how to make a claw machine.


If you wish to build a claw machine at home, the best option would be to make one using cardboard. Understanding how to make a claw machine out of cardboard is no different from making a claw machine any other way.


Understanding woodwork and electronics


A bit of knowledge about electronics and woodwork would come in handy if you wish to build the whole machine on your own. The amount of time it will take you to build your own claw machine depends on how much time you allot to the job in a day. If you are fully focused and spend most part of the day at it, you can get it done pretty quickly. If you decide to take it slow, it could drag on for months.


The most important part is to start with it. As you go on building it, you can add innovations to it along the way.


If you are thinking about the cost it will take you to build a medium sized claw machine, keep an estimate of $125- $175. This will vary depending on you the price of materials you use.


Time for some grocery shopping


Not literally your daily grocery shopping, but you need to shop for material in order to build your claw machine games.


You could start by going for a simple flake board as your woody ingredient for the housing part. This would form the main structure of your claw crane machine. You could go for plastic to build the rails for the mobile part on the top.


The electronic parts you would need at the start would comprise of:


  &#;  Cables

  &#;  Some LED lights for decoration purposes

  &#;  Some relays of 12V Coil Voltage.

  &#;  A joystick with buttons for &#;back and forth&#; and sideways movement.


The construction starts


Once you have the parts ready, now is the time to start building your housing structure. I like to call it the tree house, but that&#;s me! The first thing to do is to plan your design for different panels.


Once the design is finalized, you will need to cut out shapes for all 4 sides of your machine. The front side and the sides to your left and right would be similar apart from a few differences.  The panel for currency collection would be at the front end and a door to the right end would need to be adjusted for electronics.


The next step would be to put together your wood panels. The way to go about this could be to drill panels on wood slats.


A small piece of wood would be enough for the currency collector. Simply cut the wood and add a hinge to open and close it.


The Electronic bit


The trickiest part is to set up the electronics section correctly. Since the motors need to move &#;back and forth&#; and sideways to target the toy and pick it up, setting its control properly is the most important bit. If you can&#;t set this section properly, there&#;s no point in building the machine. To move forward and backwards, a joystick would be enough but you will need to add buttons to control the sideways movements. For this, you would need to add relays and link them to the cable network.


The system would need to be set in such a way so when a coin is inserted in the machine, a one minute timer would start. This would unlock the joystick and then the &#;Game music&#; starts, which would stop when the timer ends.


The simplest way to set this is to use an old DVD player. The background music would be the sound of the DVD menu, which would continue for 2 minutes before reloading. Once the coin is inserted, the film with be started and this would form the game music. Highly interesting yet simple, isn&#;t it.


The complex mechanical part


If electronics was the trickiest section of all, let&#;s meet the father of complexity- The Mechanical section. What makes mechanics complex is that this section will be responsible for motoring the movement of the claw and the machine as a whole. The claw needs to move in an X/Y/Z dimension. A smart way to go about building this is to use LEGOs. Not only that Legos are fun to build, they are also easy to set up and surprisingly strong.


The Claw



The heart of your machine is the Claw itself. I would recommend you not to think about building a claw yourself. Buy one online. You could go for a used claw too if you are fine with that. For the claw to work properly, you would need a magnetic coil.


Setting the theme


You are down to the final stages of your construction process. You just need to think about setting a theme for your machine or to simply paint it, if you wish to keep it simple. Think of the color combination that you would want to set for your claw machine.


Another option would be to add some large stickers or posters to the inside or even outside of your machine. It could be an animated picture of your favorite cartoon character or anything else that you would love seeing once you want to play on that machine.


The final touch


If you decide to paint the structure, wait for some time for the paint to dry before you start adding claw machine prizes to it. You could buy some stuffed toys or add those you already have at home. Use those and put them in the center of your machine before you seal it with glass.


The final step would be to add glass panels to the structure. Transparent white glass panels would be best. Add glass to the left right and front sides of the machine and fix them. Your claw machine is ready now.


Proper Skillset vs. Rigged Machines



It is often argued that claw machines are rigged and there&#;s no point in playing if you are never going to win. That is not entirely true. Though some machines at some places might not have even odds, it&#;s not the case every time and despite of that, you can still turn the odds in your favor if you have the proper skillset.


Winning a claw machine present is based on a number of factors. These include the skillset of the player, the types of toys available, strength and configuration of the claw, and machine type, amongst others. If you don&#;t understand the dynamics of the game, you&#;ll lose. If you don&#;t study the movement of your machine, especially its claw properly, you&#;ll lose. If you don&#;t analyze the placement of toys inside the machine, you&#;ll lose.


To win, you need to stay alert and follow each and every step of the game. Experts tell you that you can win the game every single time if you want to. If you really wish to master the art, you can learn how to win the claw machine every time with little practice.


However, if there is any bad faith involved in the mind of the Arcade or the machine owner, there&#;s little you can do about that. With modern crane machines, computer settings can be fiddled around with, to weaken the strength of the claw.  The same can be done manually to older machines. This slight change of settings could cause the machine to malfunction and the grip of the claw is loosened because of this. This causes the toy or your price to fall out of the claws grip.


Unfortunately, if you come across one such machine, your chances of winning are almost negligible.


Online claw machines




Your Smartphone is a whole new world in your pocket. With everything going digital nowadays, claw machines have also gone online. The world of apps on both the Apple Store and Google&#;s Play Store has witnessed record-breaking success.


Simply search the App stores on either smartphone and you would come across online claw machine apps more than once.  Toreba is at the top of the list when it comes to Japanese claw machine games.


Claw machine hacks

Unless you have a suit like Marvel&#;s Ant Man and can climb inside the machine to grab a price yourself, taking something out of that machine is incredibly difficult. Through sheer observation and a skilled approach, you can learn how to hack a claw machine with ease.

Loosen up the stuff


For a successful claw machine hack, firstly, observe exactly how tight the gifts are packed together. A simple way to figure this out is to notice whether all stuffed toys are front faced and are tucked in tight. If it is so, this means that no animal has left the machine yet. Trying to loosen a tightly packed set of animals is the toughest of battles you&#;ll be fighting.


I would prefer letting someone else take the first turn or try and find a machine that&#;s loosened up.


Observing your predecessor


Keep a close eye on the person taking the turn before you. You don&#;t necessarily need to follow the game of the person before you but, instead, watch how the machine reacts to their play. This will help you understand how to beat the claw machine. This way you would be in a better position to decide whether you should go for this machine or look for a new one.


Try and observe whether the grip of the claw is loose or tight. If the grip seems loose or if the claw jerks slightly after picking the gift, I would abandon the machine for sure.


Choose your prize wisely


If you wish to win big, the secret is to go where your brain tells you to, not where your heart desires you. Being realistic is being smart!


If you want that cute, white teddy bear stuffed tightly next to the weird monkey, leave it. Go for the big burly alligator instead, if it seems more realistic.


The ideal claw machine toy you should be looking for must have the following characteristics:


  &#;  It should be in the center or at least not stuck in any corner.

  &#;  It should be sticking out slightly or at least should not be obstructed by any other toy.

  &#;  It should not be leaning towards the glass or any other place that your claw would have a problem reaching.

  &#;  Do not go for something that requires the clog to cover a long distance. Choose something closer.

  &#;  An important advice would be to avoid any large or round toys. The major issue with these is that they are hard to grab hold of.

  &#;  If you find a toy with an arm or a head hanging out, targeting that would be a good option as you can get your claws around it easily and get a firm grip.


Get into position


Usually, Claw machines drop and pick up the toy with one push. At times two pushes are required to drop down and then pick up the toy. Whichever way you try, there is ample time at hands to adjust your claw right where you want to drop it. Use that time wisely. You have the option to move your claw back and forth or even sideways.


Snap out of the delusion


You should know when to stop! Mostly machines charge you 50 cents for playing around. You could try and play for a couple of dollars at most but anything beyond that would just be ludicrous. If your machine is a supportive one, you could win the price in fewer tries. If you tend to come across a hard nut, more rounds might not be enough as well.


The claw machine god


There are decent performers in every field, then there are those who are good and we often come across that class which is very very good. If you go beyond this level as well, we come across an entirely superior breed of individuals who are awe-inspiring and you can do nothing but admire their superiority over others. Same is the case with the game of claws. The superior breed in Claw crane field calls upon an amazing individual who is simply unbelievable.


A skillful and gifted individual, Chen Zhitong is a sensation, to say the least. In one year only, Zhitong was able to win around stuffed toys from different Arcades. Hailing from Xiamen, a port city in China, this 35 years old IT worker is now popularly known as &#;The Claw Machine God&#;.


He&#;s won so much that he is short of space now to keep all his toys so he plays a selective number of games now. According to next shark, here&#;s what the champ had to say:


[&#;It&#;s like picking a diamond and it can be expensive to play,&#; Chen said. &#;I&#;ve already got all of the normal dolls anyway. I once saw a university student put online a picture of his collection, saying &#;claw machine owners are already crying their hearts out!&#; I l saw it and laughed it off, it wasn&#;t even one tenth of my collection, thank you very much.&#;


He added: &#;The first time I played was last year in July, it was really random, I saw the machine in the entrance of a supermarket. I didn&#;t think much of it, it was just a way to kill time.&#;] 1-Linked at the bottom


Where to find claw machines?



With everything going global, buying anything is not a hectic procedure anymore that you need to plan for. Simply go online and scroll through the search engine what you want. Anything and everything that you need would be right there in front of you.  So, if you are still thinking where can you buy a claw machine from, your answer is right here.


Be it Amazon, eBay, Gumtree or Ali Express, you will find dozens if not hundreds of claw machines for sale online. Search through the marketplace; choose the one that you like and simply place the order. Your claw machine will be at your doorstep in a matter of days.


Little machines and the Pokémon delight




With large pieces so expensive, parents tend to go for a little claw machine for their young ones. Also known as mini toy claw machine, this compact bag of delight could be around 13 inches in height, 6 inches in width and roughly10 inches in length.


The dimensions could vary from machine to machine but these are the dimensions of an average kids claw machine. Even if you search for a cheap mini claw machine for sale, you couldn&#;t find any below $30 unless you find a used one.


Little claw machines like these are also available in different themed boxes. Pokémon is one of my favorite cartoon characters and once that character is joined together with my love for claw games, I believe things can&#;t get any better.


The crazy success of &#;Pokémon Go&#; saw people&#;s interest shifting more towards its claw game as it happened with any other merchandise of theirs. Available on eBay, I found a small Pokémon claw machine and I just can&#;t do anything but drool over it. It is compact, it is mini and it is just amazing.


The Human Claw Machine


If all of the above information was not interesting enough for you, we bring you the Human Claw Machine. Much bigger, much wider and way more fun!


A much bigger version than the small arcade claw machines, with the human claw machine, participants are hanged over the crane, literally, and they maneuver the crane themselves to pick up prized with their bare hands.


It is just like the smaller version, only this time you are the clog on the crane. You are carried around by a machine and dipped in a pool of prizes. Al you need to do is grab hold of as many gifts as you can and get this back, out of the machine. As tempting and as easy as it sounds, it is certainly not a piece of cake. You do require a certain skill set and control to ace your turn.


Happy Ice Ice Cream Claw Machine

I Scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice cream. What would I do without ice cream, what would we all do without ice cream. The Happy Ice ice cream claw machine offers ice cream to you instead of toys.


There are around 40 such machines located throughout Singapore. The best bit is that there&#;s no limit on the number of tries you can have to nab your price. Go as long and as many times as you want and only leave once you the Ice cream with you. So, keep on prolonging the fun if you have to and once you are done, get the ice cream out and have fun with it. Prices start from $2.5 per turn.


The sweet machine candy crane claw vending machine



What is one thing that kids love even more than toys? The answer has to be candies. The sweet machine candy crane claw vending machine is one amazing claw machine that is a delight for kids. The machine is listed on Amazon as well. The whole procedure is exactly the same as that of a claw machine with toys. The only difference is that your prize would be candy instead of a toy.


Claw machines have gone this far after a long journey. The time is theirs and people just love the prospect of playing and winning at the end. Having fun and being rewarded for it is something everyone desires. I am thinking about heading out to a claw machine arcade near me. So, ignite your passion for claw machines once more and head out to your nearest claw machine arcade and have fun to the max. Until next time, Ciao!

Are you interested in learning more about Claw Machine Purchase? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!