Origin & History of Claw Machine

06 Aug.,2024


Origin & History of Claw Machine

Claw Machine History

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As we all know, the claw machine is a very simple arcade machine. But few people know his true origins.


If people really want to trace the source, need to back to the early 20th Century. At that time, the steam shovel used in the excavation of the Panama Canal was fascinating. The first claw crane machine was invented by imitating the steam shovel, but it was no longer used to dig earth, but candies.


Early claw machines include Panama Digger, Erie Digger, and Miami Digger. With the development of technology, they not only start to use electricity, but also the prizes inside have changed a lot. The owners no longer put candies in them, but cigars, lighters, and noble jewelry. The owners also designed new pure gold cabinets to replace cheaper ones, and directly put lots of silver coins or coin rolls to attract more valued customers and gamblers. It is not regarded as simple amusement equipment, but a source of economic or luxury goods.



In the s, new legislation was issued. This time direct the spearhead to the claw machine, which was listed as a gambling violation category. The government began to bulk close down them. Only some in hotels or remote places survived. It also declined from the previous golden age.


But there are also people working tirelessly for the rebirth. An amusement owner named Lee moss gathered other recreation owners to lobby the government, hoping to redefine the claw machine as amusement equipment. It took two years to get the government&#;s compromise, and the compromise was accompanied by stringent regulations.


The claw machine could not be automated by electricity, and its coin acceptor had to be removed. This almost cut off the possibility of making money for them.


In the s, the claw machine began to gradually break away from the government&#;s restrictions and began to slowly back to people&#;s vision. They occupied a very important position in these Pizza Huts. The following spread to various industries, including several famous teams in NBA can increase club fans by this method that put medals and uniforms into machines. And obtain more economic support from the advertisements on the machines.


In the s, the fire boom of claw machine finally spread to Southeast Asia. They have been exported most in Japan and South Korea. Especially, they have become an essential part of people&#;s daily life in Japan.


When was the claw machine inented? 

Who invented the claw machine?


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Through investigation some historical data about claw machine. Final conclusion, The claw machine was invented in but was not released as a game until .


Everyone want to know who invented the claw machine. But no people heart any information from online and historical data. Perhaps a ordinary maintenance worker invented it.


The modern version of the game that allows players to move the claw where they want was invented in the s by carnival operator William Bartlett. And tabletop unit patented in .


Know More:


1. Claw Machine for Sale Price


2. About the development trend of claw machine for kids


3. Online Claw Machine 

The History of Claw Machines

If you have ever been to an arcade, you have seen a claw machine. It is one of the most famous games and its popularity has spread into supermarkets, restaurants, movie theaters, and even bowling alleys. But how did the claw machine get so popular? Where did it even come from?

Steam Shovels: The Great Ancestors of Claw Machines

The digging of the Panama Canal started in the late 19th century, around . However, due to poor planning, the project was stalled several times. It then began in earnest in and would take 10 years to complete. That was enough time for the magnificent steam shovel to impress itself upon the minds of millions of people and inspire the creation of the claw machine.

The first claw machines to be mass-produced hit the market in the s. They were modeled to look like small steam shovels that were encased in glass and wood. They had candy in them, and people would play by swinging the shovel in a wide arc to scoop the candy up. You would only have 3 minutes to try your luck, so you had to make them count. This meant that everyone who played to win needed to have a level of skill in the game.

Nearly a decade later, more canal-digging adventures would inspire different claw machines. The Erie Canal created the Erie Diggers. These would become popular at bus stations, carnivals, and drug stores. Since they were made of walnut and mahogany, their sophisticated appearance even earned them a spot at luxury hotels. However, these models did not bring in much of a profit as their luxury appearance was costly.

Either through pure wit or keen observation, William Bartlett figured out how to solve the problem and make the claw machine profitable. He patented the Nickel digger, which used coins to activate each round filling the machine with money. He also used an electric motor which made the playing times shorter so more players per day could play. He also used the clever strategy of renting the machines, not selling them.

The Crack Down of the s

would then become an unfortunate decade for the booming claw machine industry. In , the Johnson Act categorized the claw machine as gambling and stopped the development of the game. Well, at least in the open.

Many people did not take this hit lying down. Lee Moss and the amusement park owner gathered a group of recreation owners and lobbied for their return. It took them two long years to make any kind of progress. The claw machines would be legal again, but only if the coin receptors were removed, and if they were no longer automated by electricity. This kept the business slow, but relatively more active.

However, these laws did not apply to other parts of the world.

The claw machine, under the name of the claw crane, was gaining popularity in Asia and Europe. They became extremely popular in Japan in the s, giving rise to the UFO catcher. This device became a unique adaptation to the game, which would then spread across Asia.

The more they grew in popularity abroad, the more irrelevant the laws became. By the s, the laws were effectively abandoned. And by the s, the claw machine made a prominent comeback in Pizza Huts.

The Revival of the Claw Machine

The Pizza Huts were only the beginning.

From there, claw machines got a major boost. Several different associations saw a way to engage their fans through them. They also diversified the kinds of gifts they put in the machines while customizing them to the companies endorsing them. For example, the claw machines added medals and jerseys to their gifts while working with the NBA.

Throughout the s, the claw machine continued to grow in popularity. From the USA to Asia, this growth has continued to the present day.

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