Cryolophosaurus ellioti, facts | informations

13 Aug.,2024


Cryolophosaurus ellioti, facts | informations

Cryolophosaurus ellioti

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Cryolophosaurus ellioti (cry-oh-LOAF-oh-SORE-us, meaning "cold crested lizard") is a huge bipedal dinosaur with a bizarre crest running crossways its head that looks like a Spanish comb. Due to the similarity to Elvis Presley's pompadour haircut in the s, the dinosaur is also casually known as the Elvisaurus.

Cryolophosaurus was exposed in Antarctica by the paleontologist William Hammer, in . It is the first dinosaur of any kind from the continent to be formally named. Dating from the early Jurassic, it is also the earliest tetanuran theropod yet discovered, although it is not the most primitive.


Cryolophosaurus was concerning 6 to 8 meters (20 to 26 feet) long, which is significantly smaller than the largest Allosaurus, which reached up to 12 meters (40 feet) in length.

A high, narrow skull was exposed, which measures 65 centimeters (25 inches) in length. The peculiar nasal crest runs just over the eyes, where it rises up, and perpendicular to the skull, and fans out. It is wrinkled, giving it a comb-like appearance. The crest is actually an extension of the skull bones which lie near the tear ducts (the lachrymals), fused on either side to horns which go up from the eye sockets (orbital horns). While other theropods like the Monolophosaurus have crests, they usually run along the skull instead of across it. The crest is too fragile to be used in combat, so it was almost certainly used in mating displays.

Forests of the night

The remains of the Cryolophosaurus ellioti were establish with the remains of a very large prosauropod (related to plateosaurids like the Plateosaurus and Lufengosaurus), a small pterosaur, a mammal-like reptile (a tritylodont, which is a type of synapsid about the size of a rat), and one more unknown theropod. There were also fossilized tree trunks a couple of meters away. The site is about 4,000 meters (13,000 feet) above sea level, and during the early Jurassic it was a riverbed on the southern coast of the supercontinent of Gondwana.

This supports the idea that even at high altitudes; early Jurassic Antarctica had forests populated by a varied range of species, at least along the coast. Even though Antarctica was closer to the equator and the world was significantly warmer than today, the climate was still a cool temperate. Recent models of Jurassic air flow indicate that coastal areas probably never dropped much below cold, though more extreme conditions existed inland. This suggests that dinosaurs can endure relatively cool environments, and even stay alive snow.

Cryolophosaurus was establishing about 650 kilometers (400 miles) from the South Pole, so it had to compete with the polar night.

The specimen was found in conjunction with a plate from the prosauropod which has led to speculation that it may have choked to death, though there is no concrete proof of this one way or the other.


Cryolophosaurus was exposed in by William R. Hammer and his team on Mount Kirkpatrick, the uppermost peak in the Queen Alexandra Range of the Transantarctic Mountains, and additional leftovers were excavated during a second expedition in . They were situated in the siltstone of the Falla Formation, and dated to the Pliensbachian age of the early Jurassic.

It was officially named and described in by William R. Hammer and William J. Hickerson, in the journal Science. The name Cryolophosaurus was derived from the Greek kryos (meaning "cold" or "frozen"), lophos (meaning "crest") and sauros (meaning "lizard" or "reptile"). The name is a orientation not to the extreme conditions faced by the excavation team, but to the relatively cool type of weather in which the dinosaur lived.

The remains comprise part of a skull (cranium), a jaw bone (mandible), and parts of the backbone (30 vertebrae), hip bones (the illium, ischium, and pubis), leg bones (femur and fibula), an ankle bone (tibiotarsus), and foot bones (metatarsals). The skull was moderately crushed by the Beardmore Glacier. At least the skull and jaw bone, and the foot bones, were found in their normal positions (articulated).

The expedition exposed additional Cryolophosaurus remains which are awaiting preparation, and a possible skin impression.

Hammer is a professor of geology and paleontology at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, and a guardian at the Fryxell Geology Museum, where the holotype specimen currently resides.

Cryolophosaurus ellioti facts: Name: Corythosaurus (cold crested lizard) Size: 20 to 26 ft long and 5 ft tall Main Facts: Cryolophosaurus is the first carnivorous dinosaur to be discovered in Antarctica Cryolophosaurus must have lived in the dim for months at a time. Rich resources:

Description:The Dinosaurs of the Early Jurassic Hanson Formation of Central Transantarctic Mountains which includes nearly complete theropod dinosaur, Cryolophosaurus ellioti, and a fragmentary basal sauropodomorph dinosaur.


Osteology of Cryolophosaurus ellioti
Author:Nathan David Smith
Description:Osteology of Cryolophosaurus ellioti explains from the early Jurassic of Antarctica and implications for early theropod evolution.

Amazing Cryolophosaurus- An Epic Tale

Cryolophosaurus, also known as the &#;Antarctic King&#;, was a fierce and fascinating dinosaur that existed during the Early Jurassic period. It was first discovered in by a team of paleontologists from the University of Kansas and was named after the distinctive crest on top of its head that resembled a pompadour.

The elusive nature of this dinosaur, coupled with the challenging conditions of the Antarctic continent, has made research on this Dinosaur incredibly difficult. In this blog post, we will delve into the rise and fall of the enigmatic Cryolophosaurus, exploring its physical characteristics, behavior, and eventual extinction.

Discovery and Naming

The Cryolophosaurus was discovered in in the Hanson Formation of the Beardmore Glacier area, Antarctica. The dinosaur was named by Dr. William Hammer, an American paleontologist who led the expedition that discovered them. &#;Cryolophosaurus&#; means &#;frozen crest lizard,&#; which refers to the dinosaur&#;s icy habitat and distinctive crest.

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Life of the Cryolophosaurus

The Cryolophosaurus lived in the Early Jurassic period and inhabited Gondwana&#;s supercontinent alongside other dinosaurs, such as the prosauropod Massospondylus and the sauropod Vulcanodon. Antarctica&#;s climate during this period significantly differed from what it is today. They lived in a relaxed environment with fluctuating day-night cycles, meaning the dinosaurs had to adapt to long periods of darkness.

Significance of the Cryolophosaurus

The Cryolophosaurus is significant in many ways. Firstly, it is one of the largest land animals in Antarctica and is also the first dinosaur to be discovered on the continent. Secondly, the Cryolophosaurus has helped scientists understand the evolutionary history of theropod dinosaurs, particularly the development of crests on their skulls.

Finally, their discovery has helped in understanding the diversity of life in Gondwana during the Early Jurassic period.

Diet of the Beast

This Dinosaur was an apex predator, which means it was at the top of the food chain. Researchers believe it primarily consumed herbivorous dinosaurs and other small animals like reptiles and mammals. Its powerful jaws lined with sharp teeth made it an efficient killing machine, and its long legs helped it pursue its prey in its native forested habitat.

Conservation of the Cryolophosaurus

While the Cryolophosaurus is now extinct, it remains essential to study and protect the fossils that have been discovered. Protecting fossils ensures that we preserve and understand the history of our planet, particularly the life that has existed on it.

Recently, scientists took the CT scanning of an adult Cryolophosaurus&#;s skull, giving them more insight into the dinosaur&#;s braincase and overall biology.

Unique Feature

The Cryolophosaurus is a fascinating dinosaur that provides insight into the prehistoric world. Its unique physical features and behavior have captured the imagination of scientists and dinosaur enthusiasts alike.

Its discovery in Antarctica adds value to our knowledge about the Jurassic period and how dinosaurs adapted to their environment.

Behavior and Characteristics Of The Legend

Cryolophosaurus was a theropod dinosaur, a notorious group of carnivores that included the likes of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor. Despite its fierce appearance and known hunting behavior, scientists believe this Dinosaur was not a fast runner.

Its long, slender legs suggest it was built for endurance rather than speed. This makes sense, as its prey would have been more likely to escape by running for an extended period. Scientists also suggest that it may have used ambush tactics to capture prey.

Remarkable Feature

Its most remarkable feature was the curving crest on top of its skull, which could be as tall as 20 cm, flattened, and slightly tilted back. The crest was thought to be used for sexual display or perhaps as a tool for sound amplification. Its skeleton was relatively small and light, measuring up to 6 meters long and hardly weighing more than 500 kilograms.

Where Did They Live?

They lived during the early Jurassic period. This discovery was groundbreaking because it represented the first dinosaur ever found in Antarctica, providing essential clues into the evolution and distribution of dinosaurs during the Jurassic period.

Since then, several other specimens of the Cryolophosaurus have been found in Antarctica, further expanding our knowledge of this fascinating dinosaur.

Living Conditions

One of the most unique things about Cryolophosaurus was that they lived in extreme polar conditions. During their time, Antarctica&#;s climate was much milder than it is now, with temperatures reaching up to 50°F.

However, they still faced long periods of darkness and cold weather, which made survival difficult. Despite this, they thrived in this environment, possibly even evolving specific adaptations to survive the cold.

Environmental Changes and How Did It Affect Them

Despite its domination over Antarctica, this Dinosaur was not invincible. The species was short-lived, only existing for approximately 1 million years. This may have been due to changing environmental conditions, including the onset of colder and drier climatic conditions, and competition with other dinosaur species, especially the Allosaurus.

Are They A Migrating Dino?

This Dinosaur is also believed to have lived in various habitats, including forests, semi-arid regions, and even regions covered in snow and ice. Studies suggest that it may have migrated long distances for food, which would have involved crossing rivers and valleys. This implies they had advanced communication skills since making plans effectively before embarking on such a journey would have been critical.


All in all, learning about them has been quite the journey! This captivating creature had us all rapt with attention during its presentation. Despite its short legs, we knew this strange beast could reach weights of up to 1,500 lbs.

From its iconic head crest to its grayish coloration that allowed it to camouflage in polar climates, we were entranced by its incredible features. We&#;re all so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn more about this unusual dinosaur and truly admire its strength and agility.

Hopefully, we can apply some of what we&#;ve learned from the Cryolophosaurus today &#; no matter where your journey takes you, taking the initiative, being creative, and embracing yourself will always go a long way! Who knows &#; maybe someday you could even become a real-life version of this mysterious beast!

For more facts about dinosaurs, please check this Fascinating Glimpse into Earth&#;s Ancient Marine Life

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