Calculating the Percentage: 80 of 135 Revealed

30 Apr.,2024


## Step-By-Step Guide: Calculating the Percentage: 80 of 135 Revealed.

### Step 1: Determine the Percentage.

To calculate the percentage of 80 out of 135, you first need to understand the definition of a percentage. A percentage represents a portion of a whole, with 100% representing the entire amount. In this case, we want to find the percentage of 80 out of a total of 135.

### Step 2: Calculate the Percentage.

To find the percentage, divide the part (80) by the whole (135) and multiply by 100.

Percentage = (80 / 135) * 100.

### Step 3: Perform the Calculation.

Now, let's perform the calculation:

Percentage = (80 / 135) * 100.

Percentage = (0.5926) * 100.

Percentage ≈ 59.26%.

### Step 4: Interpret the Result.

After performing the calculation, we find that 80 out of 135 represents approximately 59.26%. This means that 80 is roughly 59.26% of the total amount of 135.

### Step 5: Conclusion.

In conclusion, the percentage of 80 out of 135 is approximately 59.26%. This calculation can be useful in various situations, such as when analyzing data, determining proportions, or evaluating outcomes. Understanding how to calculate percentages allows you to make better-informed decisions and interpretations based on numerical values.

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