5 Must-Have Features in a hi fabric

03 Apr.,2024


What is High-Visibility Safety Apparel (HVSA)?

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High-visibility safety apparel (HVSA) is clothing (e.g., vests, bibs, or coveralls) that workers can wear to improve how well other people "see" them (their visibility). Most often, high-visibility clothing is worn to alert drivers and other vehicle operators of a worker's presence, especially in low light and dark conditions. High-visibility headwear can also be worn to increase the visibility of the wearer in situations where part or all of the wearer's body could be obscured (e.g., leaves/trees, traffic barriers, construction materials, etc.).

Design requirements for high-visibility safety clothing are generally found in the CSA Standard Z96-15 (R2020), High-Visibility Safety Apperal. In the United States, the design requirements are outlined in the ANSI/ISEA 107-2015 2020 American National Standard for High-visibility Safety Apparel and Accessories.

Why do I need High-Visibility Safety Apparel?

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High-visibility safety apparel (HVSA) is needed if you work when there is low light and poor visibility, especially if you are working around moving vehicles (cars, trucks or other machinery traveling under their own power, such as , forklifts, backhoes, etc). High-visibility items allow you to be seen by the drivers of those vehicles from farther away so that they can respond accordingly, which increases your safety at work. The human eye responds best to large, contrasting, bright or moving objects. Worker visibility is enhanced by high colour contrast between clothing and the work environment against which it is seen.

When do I need High-Visibility Safety Apparel?

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Before selecting any high-visibility safety apparel, always confirm the legislative requirements for your jurisdiction. For example, certain tasks may require specific apparel.

The CSA Standard recommends that a hazard assessment be carried out on each job site to evaluate the workplace or work site for known or potential hazards a worker can encounter while performing a job or task. This assessment helps determine the risk to workers of being hit by moving vehicles and the environmental conditions under which work is performed. For more information about risk assessments, please see the OSH Answers document Risk Assessment.

When doing a hazard assessment where HVSA might be required, be sure to consider:

  • The type and nature of the work:
    • Do workers and mobile equipment need to interact?
    • Are workers controlling traffic or interacting with the public?
    •  Do workers need to be visually identifiable from others in the area?
    • Are there industry specifications or good practices?
  • Potential exposures to heat or flames.
  • Work conditions, such as indoor or outdoor work, temperature, work rates, traffic flow, traffic volume, visibility, etc.
  • The workplace environment and the background workers must be seen in (e.g., is the visual area behind the workers simple, complex, urban, rural, highway, filled with equipment, cluttered).
  • How long the worker is exposed to various traffic hazards, including traffic speeds.
  • Lighting conditions and how the natural light might be affected by changing weather (e.g., sunlight, overcast sky, fog, rain, or snow).
  • Factors that affect warning distances and times, such as the volume of traffic, the size of vehicles, their potential speeds, the ability to stop quickly, and surface conditions.
  • Current controls (e.g., engineering controls such as barricades or administrative control such as training).
  • Any distractions that could draw workers attention away from hazards.
  • The sightlines of mobile equipment and vehicle operators, especially when vehicles are operated in reverse.

Once the hazards are identified,  the employer can select appropriate  controls. It is important to eliminate or reduce the hazards using engineering (e.g., physical barriers) and administrative controls (e.g., work during daylight hours). High-visibility apparel is considered to be personal protective equipment, and can be used in addition to other controls.

Can I add a logo or name tag to the High-Visibility Apparel?

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It depends. According to the CSA Standard, a non-retroreflective identification (ID) badge must be smaller than 105 cm2 and if it is on the front of the garment, can only cover 25 cm2 of either or both of the vertical striping. If the ID badge is on the back, it cannot cover any of the striping. If the ID badge is made of retroreflective striping that meets the requirements of the standard, then the badge can be up to 500 cm2 and be placed anywhere, but should not obscure the pattern of the retroreflective striping.

If the CSA Standard is not specifically referenced in the legislation that applies to your jurisdiction, it is recommended that you contact the government department responsible for occupational health and safety to confirm that alterations are acceptable.  

What is the difference between fluorescent and retroreflective materials?

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Fluorescent material takes a portion of invisible ultraviolet light from sunlight, and through special pigments, sends it back to the viewer as more visible light. This material only functions where there is a source of natural sunlight. Fluorescent material will appear brighter than the same coloured non-fluorescent material, especially under low natural light (e.g., cloud cover, fog, dusk, dawn, etc.). This property offers daytime visibility enhancement that is not present with other colours. These materials enhance daytime visibility, especially at dawn and dusk. Fluorescent colours provide the greatest contrast against most backgrounds.

Retroreflective material is created to return light in the direction of the light's source. This property will let a driver or equipment operator see the light being reflected from the retroreflective material on a person's garment (as long as the person is standing in the light's beam). Retroreflective materials are most effective under low-light level conditions. While retroreflective materials can still reflect in the daylight, there is little difference between the light reflected from the garment's material and the surrounding environment. This lack of contrast makes retroreflective materials ineffective for enhanced visibility during (sunny) daytime conditions. There are two levels of retroreflective material.

In contrast, reflective materials bounce light off its surface. While the term "reflective" is not used in the CSA standard, it is typically defined as a material or object that has the ability to "throw back" light. Most surfaces are already light reflective.

Combined-performance retroreflective material is a retroreflective material that is also a fluorescent material. Not all retroreflective materials are fluorescent, nor all all fluorescent materials are retroreflective.

What should I look for in High-Visibility Safety Apparel?

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  • Bright garments are more visible than dull ones. Coverage all around the body (360° full body coverage) provides better visibility in all viewing directions.
  • Stripes of colours that contrast (have a distinct colour difference) with the background material can provide increased visibility. Stripes on the arms and legs can also provide visual clues about the motion of the person wearing the garment.
  • When background material is bright-coloured or fluorescent material, it can increase visibility, but it does not provide retroreflective properties.
  • Other requirements such as flame resistance, thermal performance, water resistance, durability, comfort, tear-away features, material breathability, and flexibility may be required bases on other hazards present.

Employers should select the colour and stripe combination that provides the preferred contrast, visual indication of movement, and direction of travel.


  • For safety and best performance, garments should fit the person. Proper fit includes wearing the garments as intended and considering any additional clothing worn underneath the high-visibility apparel. The garments should sit correctly on the body and stay in place during work.
  • The apparel should be comfortable to wear. Any seams and materials should not cause discomfort or irritation to the wearer (e.g., no sharp edges or projections, no rough material). The apparel should also be of appropriate weight, and provide adequate stretch and flexibility.
  • Garments should be selected and worn so that no other clothing or equipment covers the high-visibility materials (e.g., backpacks, glove gauntlets, equipment belts, and high-cut boots).


  • Daylight - Bright colours are more visible than dull colours under daylight conditions (e.g. fluorescent materials are suitable for daylight).
  • Low light conditions - Fluorescent colours are more effective than bright colours under low light (e.g. dawn and dusk). Under these conditions, reflective materials are also suggested.
  • Dark conditions - Retroreflective material provides greater visibility and are preferred over bright colours alone under low light conditions. As fluorescent materials require natural light, they are ineffective at night or when no natural light is present.  


To comply with the CSA Standard, any high-visibility safety apparel must meet the following criteria for the stripes/bands:

  1. A minimum width of 50 mm.
  2. A waist-level horizontal stripe/band that goes completely around the body at the navel or belly button.
  3. Two vertical stripes on the front passing over the shoulders and down to the waist.
  4. A symmetric "X" on the back extending from the shoulders to the waist.
  5. For Class 3 apparel, stripes/bands encircling both arms and both legs are added.


For all classes, the CSA Z96-15 (R2020), High-Visibility Safety Apparel Standard specifies both the colour of the background and the stripes/bands. For example, class 1 apparel (e.g., harness style) must have a minimum of 0.14 metres squared of background material, while for class 2 and class 3 apparel, full coverage of background material is required. Background material can be fluorescent yellow-green, fluorescent orange-red, fluorescent red  bright yellow-green, or bright orange-red.


  • Keep high-visibility apparel clean and well-maintained. Contaminated or dirty retroreflective materials provide lower visibility.
  • Replace garments that show signs of wear and tear, soiling, or contamination as it will no longer be able to provide acceptable levels of visibility.

Purchasers of high-visibility apparel should get proof that the materials used, and the design of the garment meet the requirements of the CSA Z96-15 Standard. Generally, the garment’s tag will state if it meets the requirements.

What are the different classes of safety apparel?

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The CSA Standard Z96-15, High-Visibility Safety Apparel sets out levels of retroreflective performance (i.e., the effectiveness of material in returning light to its source), the colours and luminosity of background materials, and how much of the body that should be covered by the high-visibility components. There are also special requirements for garments that also need to provide electrical flash and flame protection. Note that although specifications for apparel classes are similar to those in ANSI/ISEA 107, these CSA classes differ in that they specify body coverage rather than minimum areas.

CSA lists three classes of garments based on body coverage provided. Each class covers the torso (waist to neck) and limbs according to the minimum body coverage areas specified for each class.

  • Class 1 provides the lowest recognized coverage and good visibility.
  • Class 2 provides moderate body coverage and superior visibility.
  • Class 3 provides the greatest body coverage and visibility under poor light conditions and at great distance.

Details for each of the classes are listed below. For more details on the exact specifications, please refer to the Standard. (Note: While the Standard does not set out the requirements for high-visibility apparel for specific jobs, it does provide some examples of jobs where the different classes may be appropriate.)

When would I wear the different classes of High-Visibility Safety Apparel?

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Low Risk: Class 2, Class 1 under certain conditions

Low risk situations may include:

  • Workers performing activities that permit their full and undivided attention to approaching traffic.
  • When there is ample separation between workers on foot and traffic or other mobile equipment.
  • When work backgrounds are not complex, allowing for optimal visibility.
  • When vehicles do not exceed 40 km/h (25 mph).
  • When workers are doing tasks that divert their attention from approaching traffic.

Examples of jobs include:

  • Workers directing vehicle operators to parking or service locations.
  • Workers retrieving shopping carts in parking areas.
  • Workers in warehouse operations.
  • "Right-of-Way" or sidewalk maintenance workers.
  • Workers in shipping or receiving operations.

Figure 1
Example of Class 1 Apparel
Harness or Colour/Retroreflective Stripes on Other Clothing

NOTE: Other options are possible, including a shirt made of non-high-visibility material, but with high-visibility or retroreflective stripes/bands.

Medium Risk: Class 2 or 3 based on certain conditions

Medium risk situations may include:

  • When vehicles or equipment are moving between 40-80 km/h (25-50 mph).
  • Workers who require greater visibility under inclement weather conditions or low light.
  • When work backgrounds are complex.
  • When workers are performing tasks that divert attention from approaching vehicle traffic.
  • When work activities are in closer proximity to vehicles (in or near flowing vehicle traffic).

Examples of jobs include:

  • Roadway construction, utility, forestry or railway workers.
  • Manufacturing, plant, or mill workers.
  • Survey crews.
  • School crossing guards.
  • Parking and toll gate workers.
  • Airport baggage handlers and ground crews.
  • Emergency response personnel.
  • Members of law enforcement.
  • Accident site investigators.
  • Railway workers.

Figure 2
Examples of Class 2 Apparel
Vests, Jackets and Bib overalls

NOTE: These examples are not the only options available and are shown for example purposes.

High Risk: Class 2 for daytime, Class 3 for low-light conditions

High risk situations may include:

  • Vehicle speeds exceeding 80 km/h (50 mph).
  • Workers on foot and vehicle operators have high task loads that clearly place the worker in danger.
  • When the wearer must be conspicuous through the full range of body motions at a minimum of 390 m (1,280 ft).
  • Work activities taking place in low light or at nighttime.

Examples of jobs include:

  • Roadway construction workers.
  • Utility workers.
  • Survey crews.
  • Mine workers.
  • Emergency responders.
  • Road assistance or courtesy patrols.
  • Flagging crews.
  • Towing operators.

Figure 3
Examples of Class 3 Apparel
Jackets and Overalls

NOTE: These examples are not the only options available and are shown for example purposes.

From CSA Standard Z96-15.

What should worker training include?

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As with any personal protective equipment, workers must receive appropriate training in the use and care of the equipment. Workers wearing high-visibility apparel should know the following information:

  1. When to use the high-visibility apparel.
  2. Fitting instructions, including how to put on and take off the apparel, if relevant.
  3. The importance of using and wearing the apparel as intended.
  4. Limitations of use.
  5. How to store and maintain the apparel correctly.
  6. How to check for wear and tear.
  7. How to clean or decontaminate the apparel correctly, with complete washing or dry-cleaning instructions.
  • Fact sheet last revised: 2021-12-17

Workers operating in low-visibility conditions are at higher risk of injury, and high-visibility clothing is the first line of defense. The same applies to recreational activities. A recent study in Safety Science found that cyclists wearing hi-vis clothing experienced a 47% decrease in accidents.

Wearing brightly colored safety clothing significantly reduces the risk of accidents at work or at play.

For any business, organization, or individual interested in learning more, we've prepared this helpful guide that gives you what you need to know about hi-vis safety clothing, including the best ways to customize or brand it.

What is hi-vis clothing?

High-visibility apparel, also known as hi-viz, safety wear, or reflective clothing, is designed to make the wearer more visible in low light or hazardous conditions. Hi-vis clothing features bright, fluorescent colors and reflective strips or other materials that help reflect light and make the wearer more visible.

This term encompasses various clothes and designs, from shirts to pants, outerwear, and headgear. Workers wearing hi-vis clothing, such as construction workers, traffic controllers, and emergency responders, minimize their risk of being hit by vehicles or other machinery.

What qualifies clothing as high-vis?

To be considered safety or hi-vis clothing, a garment must meet specific standards for the amount and type of reflective material used. These standards are defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA). They specify the minimum amounts of reflective material used on the apparel to be considered hi-vis.

Who uses high-vis clothing?

Hi-vis clothing is commonly used in various industries where workers need to be easily seen and for sports and recreational activities. Some examples of uses for hi-vis clothing include:

  • Construction: All types of construction workers, demolition crews, and repair workers.
  • Transportation: Traffic controllers, airport ground crew, shipping crews, railroad workers.
  • Public safety: Police officers, firefighters, paramedics, rescue, and other public safety workers.
  • Manufacturing: Workers in manufacturing plants, warehouses, and other industrial settings.
  • Sports: Runners, cyclists, skaters, and other athletes who exercise outdoors or at night.
  • Recreation: Hunters, hikers, kayakers, cross-country skiers, and more.

Is high-visibility clothing mandatory?

Hi-vis clothing is mandatory in certain instances. The Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices stipulates that highway maintenance and road construction workers must wear high-visibility clothing to reduce the risk of on-the-job accidents.

High-visibility standards are national guidelines, but how they are enforced depends on the state. That's why it's best just to follow the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) interpretation of the manual which stipulates that workers must wear hi-vis clothing if they satisfy one of the following criteria if they are:

  • Working on a highway maintenance job
  • Working in or near a roadway construction zone
  • Exposed to public vehicle traffic or construction equipment

Other industries are not required by law to mandate safety apparel for their workers but choose to anyway because it ensures higher safety. Industries like construction, airline, warehouse, and electric power transmission are just some examples that make hi-vis clothing a requirement for workers.

If you have a business in one of these lines of work, staying up to date with your state's standards for worker uniforms is a smart business decision. It can save your company from potential violations–but most importantly, save a life.

Standards for high-visibility clothing

Safety standards by ANSI and ISEA specify the minimum amounts of reflective material required to meet the requirements for each class of hi-vis clothing. They also specify the types of apparel that can be considered hi-vis, such as vests, jackets, pants, hats, and full-body suits.

What is ANSI/ISEA 107?

The standard for high-visibility safety apparel is ANSI/ISEA 107. It specifies high-visibility garments' design and performance requirements to increase the wearer's visibility in low light and other potentially hazardous situations.

Generally, the standards for hi-vis clothing specify the following:

  • The minimum amounts of reflective material must be used, depending on the clothing class.
  • Specific types of reflective material are used, such as retroreflective tape or stripes.
  • The minimum width and height of the reflective material to be used on hi-vis clothing.
  • The minimum areas of the garment to be covered by reflective material, depending on the type.
  • The minimum amount of fluorescent background material for hi-vis clothing.
  • The specific colors are acceptable for hi-vis clothing (yellow-green, orange-red, or red).

By following these standards, manufacturers of hi-vis clothing ensure that their products meet the requirements for each class and provide the necessary visibility and safety for workers who wear them.

Hi-vis apparel classes and types

The standards for safety wear are not of the one-size-fits-all variety. Instead, apparel is designated by "Type" and "Class." There are three types and four classes.

Clothing types

There are several types of high-visibility apparel designed for specific environments or uses:

Off-Road or Type O is used in off-road environments, such as on a construction site or bicycle trail. Type O is for workers who aren't required to wear high-visibility apparel but work in an environment where visibility is crucial to safety. Typical items are vests and shirts.

Roadway or Type R is used on roadways, such as highways or parking lots. Type R is for workers exposed to road traffic, heavy equipment, and associated vehicles. Typical items include shirts, vests, jackets, pants, and hats.

Public Safety or Type P hi-vis apparel in this category is intended for public safety workers and first responders, such as police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. Typical items can range from vests and jackets to full-body suits with reflective stripes or panels.

Performance classes

The ANSI specifies performance classes for safety apparel, which indicate the minimum amounts of fluorescent and retroreflective material that must be used and the minimum amounts of material that must be worn on the torso and legs. The performance classes are as follows:

Class 1 is intended for workers near traffic moving less than 25 mph, such as school crossing guards or parking lot attendants. Clothing must have at least 217 square inches of fluorescent material and 155 square inches of reflective material. At least 0.14 square feet of the fluorescent material must be on the torso, and at least 0.10 square feet of the reflective material must be on the torso and legs.

Class 2 is intended for workers near traffic between 25 and 50 mph, such as highway construction workers or utility workers. Clothing must have at least 775 square inches of fluorescent material and 201 square inches of reflective material. At least 0.50 square feet of the fluorescent material must be on the torso, and at least 0.13 square feet of the reflective material must be on the torso and legs.

Class 3 is intended for workers near traffic over 50 mph, such as flaggers or emergency responders. Clothing must have at least 12405 square inches of fluorescent material and at least 310 square inches of reflective material. At least 0.80 square feet of the fluorescent material must be on the torso, and at least 0.20 square feet of the reflective material must be on the torso and legs, plus retroreflective material between the shoulders sn elbows.

Standard high-visibility colors

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifies that high visibility clothing must be fluorescent yellow-green, fluorescent orange-red, or fluorescent red, with the fluorescent material covering at least the front and back of the torso.

High-visibility clothing for all seasons

While hi-vis clothing is often associated with construction and other outdoor industries, it can also be an important component of a personal safety plan for anyone who spends time outdoors, regardless of the season. There are hi-vis apparel options for both warm and cold working conditions.

Warm Weather

Hi-vis clothing for warm weather should be made from lightweight, breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that will keep the wearer cool and comfortable, even in hot conditions. Some examples of hi-vis clothing that may be appropriate for warm weather include:

Hi-vis performance shirts are essential on hot summer days, whether you're working outdoors or mountain biking in the desert. For comfort and temperature control, go for the 100% polyester or performance blends with moisture-wicking properties. Any Class 3 t-shirt will require long sleeves with retroreflective stripes. Screen printing is still the best method to brand hi-vis shirts with your logo.

Hi-vis baseball hats are a welcome addition to any hi-vis outfit for working or playing outdoors. They are not part of the standards, but they help. The bill keeps the sun out of the eyes, and the inner sweatband helps keep the face dry. Most hi-vis baseball caps are made with synthetic material, a medium profile, and have retro-reflective accents. Embroidery or patches are the best customization options.

Hi-vis safety vests are the quintessential hi-vis apparel, and with their lightweight mesh fabrics are excellent for keeping cool in warm weather. Consider if you need pockets, and if so, how many? The number of pockets varies among brands. Most vests are Class 1 or Class 2, but we do have one in our catalog that is Class 3 (see the image above, right). Customization options are screen printing, embroidery, or patches.

Cold Weather

Hi-vis clothing for warm weather should be made from heavier fabrics, with long sleeves and features like water-repellant, wind-resistant outer layers and insulted linings to keep workers warm in the winter. Some examples of hi-vis clothing that may be appropriate for cold weather include:

Hi-vis jackets are essential for winter workers as well as antarctic adventurers. Most of the safety jackets in our catalog are made with synthetic material and an outer coating designed to withstand the elements. Consider how many pockets you need, as the number varies between products. For extra warmth, the hoodie jackets do the job. For branding, we recommend embroidery or custom patches.

Hi-vis hoodies are a top choice for safety apparel in the cold, especially in late fall and early spring. Over the winter, hoodies get paired with jackets for extra warmth. Most hi-vis hoodies in our catalog are Class 3 (reflective stripes on the sleeves) and made from polyester fleece, which is comfortable for various work environments and durable for long-term use. Customize with screen printing or embroidered logo.

Hi-vis beanies are an excellent addition to a high-visibility outfit in colder weather. Although they don't factor into any standards, hi-vis beanies will help make workers more visible and warm their heads. Most beanies are made of blended knit or synthetic material, and the best way to customize them is with embroidery or patches. For more, check out the Top 5 Types of Beanies.

Customizing safety apparel with your brand

When branding hi-vis clothing with your logo, be aware of limitations. One factor is the materials; certain waterproof or synthetic materials may be difficult to print on and require embroidery. Another factor is the print area; certain construction leaves little room for logo placement.

  • Screen printing - This classic print method is suitable for a variety of hi-vis apparel, such as shirts, vests, hoodies, hats, and especially for performance wear since those can't be digitally printed.
  • Embroidery - The best option for higher-end items like jackets. Often a logo is embroidered on the pocket area or the pocket itself. Beanies are also a great candidate for embroidery.
  • Patches - An often overlooked way to embellish garments, patches are excellent for waterproof materials such as hi-vis rain jackets and rain hats. Rubber patches do exceptionally well.

High Visibility Clothing Prevents Accidents

Bottom line, brightly-colored safety clothing reduces the likelihood of accidents and injuries for those in low visibility conditions. With the ability to customize hi-vis gear, you can present a professional appearance while being safe.

We hope this guide has provided the information you need to know, from the safety standards of ANSI and ISEA to the enforcement by OSHA, the different apparel types, their uses, and the best print methods. 

When you're ready to customize high-visibility clothing with your logo, jump into our easy-to-use Design Studio to get started. Our sales team is always standing by to assist with your order.

Hi-vis clothing FAQs

Quick answers to some of the most common questions:

Is red considered a high-vis color?

Yes, red is considered a high-vis color. The ANSI and ISEA define fluorescent red as one of the colors that are acceptable for hi-vis clothing. This is distinct from the more common orange-red. Fluorescent red is a bright red color highly visible in daylight and under artificial light.

What is retroreflective material?

Retroreflective material is a type of material that reflects light back to its sources, such as a car's headlights or a flashlight. This makes the material highly visible in low-light conditions. It's used in high-visibility clothing and safety gear, such as road construction signs and traffic cones.

How do I care for hi-vis clothing?

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for washing and drying it. Usually, hi-vis clothing should be washed in warm water using mild detergent, dried in a low-heat setting, or hung to dry. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as these can damage the reflective material on hi-vis clothing.

What is ANSI?

The American National Standards Institute is a non-profit organization responsible for developing and maintaining standards for various products and services. ANSI's standards for hi-vis clothing are developed through a consensus-based process that involves input from stakeholders.

What is OSHA?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a federal agency responsible for setting and enforcing safety and health standards in the workplace. OSHA adopts standards for hi-vis clothing to ensure workers at risk of being hit by vehicles or machinery have necessary visibility and protection.

5 Must-Have Features in a hi fabric

Hi-Vis Clothing: What You Need To Know